Service with TTF fonts
Project is created with:
- Java EE version: 8
- EJB version: 3.1
- JPA version: 2.1
- Hibernate version: 5.4.12
- Gson vesrion: 2.8.6
- Apache Commons IO version: 2.2
- Apache Derby version: 10.14.2
- Maven version: 3.6.3
- jQuery version: 3.4.1
- Bootstrap version: 4.4.1
- Font Awesome version: 5.12.1
- Payara Server version: 5.193
- Apache NetBeans version: 11.2
- Install Java 8 Development Kit
- Download and install Apache NetBeans 11.2
- Add Payara Server to NetBeans
- Clone this repository
- Configure JavaDB in NetBeans
in Java DB Installation: Payara_Server_location\javadb
in Database Location: ..\fonts\derby - Start Java DB server
- Open fonts (select option Open Required Projects) in NetBeans
- Build fonts
- Deploy fonts-ear
- Open fonts-web in a web browser on http://localhost:8080/fonts-web/