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Built for Windows Powered by PowerShell Maintenance

Use Windex to clean Windows of as much bloat and telemetry as possible without impeding normal function. Windex was built with stable and easily auditable virtualization in mind, but we're starting to use it on workstations as well, providing a QOL boost.

Windex Desktop

📦 Package debloat

Windex automates the removal of both metro and modern applications through the use of manifests. AppX/Metro applications are further deprovisioned to (hopefully) prevent their reinstallation for new users.

Legacy applications and services are purged or disabled. Internet Explorer, MS Paint, WordPad, all removed.

🌲 Service pruning

Undesirable Windows services are disabled, removed, or blacklisted. This has a positive effect on performance and reduces baked-in telemtry. We're also working on removing certain protected but undesirable services, such as the Microsoft Account nagger (for local users).

🖥️ Virtualization and optional tweaks

Windex was designed with a heavy focus on virtualization. When ran inside of a known hypervisor, Windex can detect which guest tools to install and retrieve them automatically, simplifying the build process.

For advanced use cases, Windex has several normally-hidden tweaks available. Defender Firewall and Defender AV management, Windows update service management, etc.

📗 Playbook support

Despite YAML not being natively supported by PowerShell, Windex has a parser built in with easily extendable Ansible-style playbooks.

Basic use


While Windex was designed with stability and usability in mind, not everyone's environments and workflows are the same. Taking a snapshot or backup beforehand is considered best practice.

Must be ran in an elevated PowerShell instance. Reboot when complete.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process # Confirm with Y or A

& ./windex.ps1 # User will be presented with an interactive menu

Direct call via PowerShell

# When pasting is available, copying this may be quicker than dealing with Edge's first-launch "welcome"
# Fetches the latest stable release, not the latest commit

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process # Confirm with Y or A
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" `
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content `
| ConvertFrom-Json `
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty zipball_url `
| %{
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$_" -OutFile ""
Expand-Archive -Path "" -DestinationPath .
cd ppfeister-Windex-*
& .\windex.ps1

Detailed documentation

Planned development

  • Adopt playbooks for easier expansion and maintenance
  • Remove additional telemetry (in progress)
  • Escalate to SYSTEM or TI without triggering UAC and without psexec to disable certain protected services
  • Create some sort of deployment pipeline for easier fetch and exec (possibly to one of the Windows package managers)
  • Add normally-hidden tweak for the installation of hypervisor guest agents (KVM/QEMU support added!)