SnapcastControl is a Python API for controlling snapcast over tcp 1705, snapcast is a multi-room synchronous audio solution made by baiax.
pip install snapcastcontrol
>>> import asyncio
>>> from SnapcastControl.control import SnapcastControl
>>># Simulation notification callback methods.
def testOnVolumeChange(data):
percent = data['params'].get('volume').get('percent')
muted = data['params'].get('volume').get('muted')
print(f"### This is a callback from SnapcastControl - Simulation onVolumeChange. - percent: {percent}, muted: {muted}")
def testOnClientConnect(data):
client = data
print(f"### This is a callback from SnapcastControl - Simulation of onClientConnect. - connected: {client.connected} ")
def testOnClientDisconnect(data):
print(f"### This is a callback from SnapcastControl - Simulation of onClientDisconnect. - clientId: {data}")
def testOnServerUpdate(data):
print(f"### This is a callback from SnapcastControl - Simulation of onServerUpdate. - Create a new server dissmis the Old.") # \n serverData: {serverData} ")
def testOnServerCreated(data):
print(f"### This is a callback from SnapcastControl - Simulation of onServerCreated. - New Server Created ")
def testOnGroupMute(data):
def testOnServerDisconnect(data):
>>> Examples notificationCallbacks
testNotificationCallbacks = {
'onVolumeChange': testOnVolumeChange,
'onServerDisconnect': testOnServerDisconnect,
'onGroupMute': testOnGroupMute,
'onClientConnect': testOnClientConnect,
'onClientDisconnect': testOnServerDisconnect,
'onServerUpdate': testOnServerUpdate,
'onServerCreated': testOnServerCreated,
>>> Available notificationCallbacks.
>>> snapcastControl = SnapcastControl(1, "ThreadSnapcastControl", 'localhost', port=1705, reconnect=True, notificationCallbacks=testNotificationCallbacks)
>>> Her we use a time sleep, the snapcastControl must first start and initialize.
>>> asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(snapcastControl.setVolumeAllClients(55, False), snapcastControl._loop)
>>> Other methods you can call threadsafe, for now
async def setVolume(clientId, percent, mute):
async def setVolumeAllClients(percent, mute):
async def setClientLatency(clientId, latency):
📜 License. GPLv3
Ships under GPLv3, it means you are free to use and redistribute the code but are not allowed to use any part of it under a closed license.
This is work in progress and the code is as it is. Use it at your own risk/fun.