Hi! I'm Marcelo Portobanco. This SPA, react.js based project, main objective is to showcase the experience and overall skills in a responsive, interactive design for the users.
This are the main technologies and dependencies that where used to bring this app to life!
The are several reason on why choosing react.js for this project, but the main ones are the component reusability, react's JSX extended syntax for HTML, and the high performance reinforced by the Virtual DOM.
The easy integration for production-ready components with the react.js environment made MUI the main styling library for this portfolio.
This npm package made easy the task for the smooth-scroll behavior between independent components within the Virtual DOM.
The internationalization and location of the application for the language setting show to the user has been provided by the i18next-browser-location integration with react.js.
An API to fetch the meta tags content from a website, therefore, the seo and social media display is show properly to the user. Components from Projects.jsx where generated and fetch by this API.
Lightweight and high-performant library used to display the response from the POST request response at email form service in a responsive and interactive way.
- Email.js API used along it's custom hook to receive and POST input data from contact form generating an email template for the user and.
- Custom react hook to fetch meta tags data at projects section ( projectsFetchData.js )
- Automatic language condition from i18next dependency
- Hidden sourcemap production command for minimized react structure on deploy to improve security and machine performance