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A three week virtual hackathon running from June 24th to July 10th powered by Gitcoin

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Portis - Beyond Blockchain 2019 Hackathon Challenge

Portis is a platform for making decentralized applications accessible to mainstream users. We offer developers an SDK that they can integrate into their decentralized application (DApp) to make it familiar and easy for their users, just like using a regular web app.

Portis is a standard web3 provider that comes pre-bundled in your DApp.

Other web3 providers force DApps to place the burden on the end users, making them install a third-party application on their device before they can even start using said DApp. In addition, the user’s private key is stored only on the device, making it both risky (if the device is lost/destroyed, the user’s funds and identity are gone forever) and inconvenient – using the same wallet across different devices is an intimidating process for the average user.

With Portis the user doesn't have to do anything he isn't already familiar with. The application developer only needs to add a couple of lines of code to integrate the Portis SDK. Consequentially, users enjoy a built-in wallet in their existing browser, without needing to install anything, while still maintaining absolute control over their private key (Portis never knows what the user’s private key is).

In addition, thanks to Portis’ end-to-end encryption architecture (read our white paper), its users enjoy a friendly cloud experience, and can access the same account on all of their devices using a familiar email and password.

Finally, on top of the Ethereum mainnet, testnet and Goerli network, to Portis supports a long list of EVM compatible blockchains (POA, ThunderCore, Matic, RootStock, Ubiq, xDai and Fuse), as well as EOS and BTC (more info).

See and for more details.

Table of Contents




📺 Background

Mass adoption. It's the holy grail of blockchain applications. Everybody's saying it has to happen for blockchain to survive and eventually flourish. So how do we make it a reality?

We believe that with Portis, building a decentralized application with the average user in mind is no longer just wishful thinking. Users can maintain their decentralized identity and interact with the blockchain without being forced to understand complicated technical terms. Heck, they don't even have to know they're using a decentralized application at all!

Throw in features like "Trust this App", "Gas Relay", "Change Network", and more, and you can really take your UX to the level users are accustomed to.

✊ We want you to bring on the revolution of mainstream adoption ✊

🚀 Challenge

Build a DApp that anybody can use. Your parents, your highschool history teacher, anyone. With Portis powering your DApp, they'll only need to register with an email and password, from inside their browser, something they're already familiar with.

Most DApps today provide some sort of "user guide" due to the complexity of onboarding and interacting with them. We think that's unacceptable. There are no instructions on how to use Instagram or Uber.

We will be looking for DApps created in the Hackathon that have taken our vision to heart. That have decided to utilize the frictionless experience provided by Portis to build a DApp with the mainstream crowd in mind. The winner will walk away with a cool 3 ETH.

🛠️ Resources

  1. SDK GitHub - The Portis SDK source code.
  2. Documentation - Instructions on how to embed Portis into your DApp., and your guide for all the various useful configurations you have at your disposal when you're developing with Portis.
  3. UX Guidelines - Building on the blockchain raises new and interesting UX and technical challenges. We put together a list of what we believe to be best practices when building DApps designed to be human-friendly.
  4. White Paper - Wonder how our E2E works? Let's get technical!

Need Help? Get in Touch

Our team is standing by to answer all of your questions, hear your feedback an write down your suggestions! Find us on our Telegram channel or on Twitter.


A three week virtual hackathon running from June 24th to July 10th powered by Gitcoin






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