Tools to configure the Loco Positioning System
For more info see our documentation.
This is a python package that requires python 3.4+ and pip. If you are running
in Linux use pip3
instead of pip
. For windows and mac-OS any
distribution of Python 3.4 or later should work.
To install for development (will use the files in the repos folder):
pip3 install -e .[pyqt5]
On linux, if you have installed pyqt5 using some other package manager
pip3 install -e .
To run the GUI:
python3 -m lpstools
On Linux, to be able to flash the node you need to have access right to the node bootloader. This can be achieved by adding a udev rules for the node bootloader.
# cat > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-lps.rules << EOF
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="df11", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"
Your user also needs to be in the dialout group in order to be able to communicate with the node serial port (you may need to log-out and log-in againt for this to take effect):
sudo adduser $USER dialout
DFU is used to flash new firmware to a Node. On mac-OS you have to install dfu-util (
The easiest way is to use Homebrew
brew install dfu-util
It is possible to build a windows executable of the tool. This allows to distribute the LPS tool without requiring a python installation.
To build the windows executable, you should first have the LPS tool working on Windows. The you can build:
pip install cx_freeze
python build
The final result is in the folder build\exe.win32-3.6
Once the Windows executable is built, you can build the Windows installer. Building the installer requires the nsis installer.
To build the installer:
cd win32install
This will generate the file lpstools.nsi, it can be used to generate the installer using the nsis compiler:
makensis lpstools.nsi
If you do not want to install python tools natively you can use the toolbelt instead. See the github repository.
We use tools to automatically check the code style on the build server (travis). To see what we check for take a look in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file, it contains a list of all plugins that are running.
To run all checks:
- with native tools
tox # You can also run 'pre-commit run --all-files' to check without virtual environment
- with the toolbelt
tb verify
- with native tools
- with the toolbelt
tb test