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shramee committed Feb 26, 2016
1 parent 368d036 commit 306c483
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Showing 6 changed files with 651 additions and 111 deletions.
365 changes: 365 additions & 0 deletions assets/alpha-color.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
* Created by shramee on 6/10/15.
* lib-alpha-color-picker
* Overwrite Automattic Iris for enabled Alpha Channel in wpColorPicker
* Only run in input and is defined data alpha in true
* Version: 1.1
* Copyright (c) 2015 Sergio P.A. (23r9i0).
* Licensed under the GPLv2 license.
( function( $, undef ) {
// Variable for some backgrounds
// html stuff for wpColorPicker copy of the original color-picker.js
var _before = '<a tabindex="0" class="wp-color-result" />',
_after = '<div class="wp-picker-holder" />',
_wrap = '<div class="wp-picker-container" />',
_button = '<input type="button" class="button button-small hidden" />';

* Overwrite Color
* for enable support rbga
Color.fn.toString = function() {
if ( this._alpha < 1 )
return this.toCSS( 'rgba', this._alpha ).replace( /\s+/g, '' );

var hex = parseInt( this._color, 10 ).toString( 16 );

if ( this.error )
return '';

if ( hex.length < 6 ) {
for ( var i = 6 - hex.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
hex = '0' + hex;

return '#' + hex;

* Overwrite wpColorPicker
$.widget( 'lib.libColorPicker', $.wp.wpColorPicker, {
_create: function() {
// bail early for unsupported Iris.
if ( ! $.support.iris ) {

var self = this,
el = self.element;

$.extend( self.options, );

// keep close bound so it can be attached to a body listener
self.close = $.proxy( self.close, self );

self.initialValue = el.val();

// Set up HTML structure, hide things
el.addClass( 'wp-color-picker' ).hide().wrap( _wrap );
self.wrap = el.parent();
self.toggler = $( _before ).insertBefore( el ).css( { backgroundColor: self.initialValue } ).attr( 'title', wpColorPickerL10n.pick ).attr( 'data-current', wpColorPickerL10n.current );
self.pickerContainer = $( _after ).insertAfter( el );
self.button = $( _button );

if ( self.options.defaultColor ) {
self.button.addClass( 'wp-picker-default' ).val( wpColorPickerL10n.defaultString );
} else {
self.button.addClass( 'wp-picker-clear' ).val( wpColorPickerL10n.clear );

el.wrap( '<span class="wp-picker-input-wrap" />' ).after(self.button);

el.lib_iris( {
target: self.pickerContainer,
hide: self.options.hide,
width: self.options.width,
mode: self.options.mode,
palettes: self.options.palettes,
change: function( event, ui ) {
if ( self.options.alpha ) {
self.toggler.css( { 'background-image': 'url(' + image + ')' } ).html('<span />');
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%',
'position': 'absolute',
'top': 0,
'left': 0,
'border-top-left-radius': '3px',
'border-bottom-left-radius': '3px',
'background': ui.color.toString()
$( ).val( ui.color.toString() );
} else {
self.toggler.css( { backgroundColor: ui.color.toString() } );
// check for a custom cb
if ( $.isFunction( self.options.change ) ) { this, event, ui );
} );

el.val( self.initialValue );
if ( ! self.options.hide ) {;
_addListeners: function() {
var self = this;

// prevent any clicks inside this widget from leaking to the top and closing it
self.wrap.on( 'click.wpcolorpicker', function( event ) {
}); function(){
if ( self.toggler.hasClass( 'wp-picker-open' ) ) {
} else {;

self.element.change( function( event ) {
var me = $( this ),
val = me.val();
// Empty or Error = clear
if ( val === '' || self.element.hasClass('iris-error') ) {
if ( self.options.alpha ) {
self.toggler.find('span').css( 'backgroundColor', '' );
} else {
self.toggler.css( 'backgroundColor', '' );
// fire clear callback if we have one
if ( $.isFunction( self.options.clear ) ) { this, event );

// open a keyboard-focused closed picker with space or enter
self.toggler.on( 'keyup', function( event ) {
if ( event.keyCode === 13 || event.keyCode === 32 ) {
self.toggler.trigger( 'click' ).next().focus();
}); function( event ) {
var me = $( this );
if ( me.hasClass( 'wp-picker-clear' ) ) {
self.element.val( '' );
if ( self.options.alpha ) {
self.toggler.find('span').css( 'backgroundColor', '' );
} else {
self.toggler.css( 'backgroundColor', '' );
if ( $.isFunction( self.options.clear ) ) { this, event );
} else if ( me.hasClass( 'wp-picker-default' ) ) {
self.element.val( self.options.defaultColor ).change();
open: function() { 'toggle' ).focus();
this.button.removeClass( 'hidden' );
this.toggler.addClass( 'wp-picker-open' );
$( 'body' ).trigger( 'click.wpcolorpicker' ).on( 'click.wpcolorpicker', this.close );
close: function() {
this.element.hide().lib_iris( 'toggle' );
this.button.addClass( 'hidden' );
this.toggler.removeClass( 'wp-picker-open' );
$( 'body' ).off( 'click.wpcolorpicker', this.close );

// $("#input").wpColorPicker('color') returns the current color
// $("#input").wpColorPicker('color', '#bada55') to set
color: function( newColor ) {
if ( newColor === undef ) {
return this.element.lib_iris( 'option', 'color' );

this.element.lib_iris( 'option', 'color', newColor );

* Overwrite iris
$.widget( 'lib.lib_iris', $.a8c.iris, {
_create: function() {

// Global option for check is mode rbga is enabled
this.options.alpha = 'alpha' ) || false;

// Is not input disabled
if ( ! ':input' ) ) {
this.options.alpha = false;

if ( typeof this.options.alpha !== 'undefined' && this.options.alpha ) {
var self = this,
el = self.element,
_html = '<div class="iris-strip iris-slider iris-alpha-slider"><div class="iris-slider-offset iris-slider-offset-alpha"></div></div>',
aContainer = $( _html ).appendTo( self.picker.find( '.iris-picker-inner' ) ),
aSlider = aContainer.find( '.iris-slider-offset-alpha' ),
controls = {
aContainer: aContainer,
aSlider: aSlider

// Set default width for input reset
self.options.defaultWidth = el.width();

// Update width for input
if ( self._color._alpha < 1 || self._color.toString().indexOf('rgb') != 1 ) {
el.width( parseInt( self.options.defaultWidth+100 ) );

// Push new controls
$.each( controls, function( k, v ){
self.controls[k] = v;

// Change size strip and add margin for sliders
self.controls.square.css({'margin-right': '0'});
var emptyWidth = ( self.picker.width() - self.controls.square.width() - 20 ),
stripsMargin = emptyWidth/6,
stripsWidth = (emptyWidth/2) - 1 - stripsMargin;

$.each( [ 'aContainer', 'strip' ], function( k, v ) {
self.controls[v].width( stripsWidth ).css({ 'margin-left': stripsMargin + 'px' });

// Add new slider

// For updated widget
_initControls: function() {

if ( this.options.alpha ) {
var self = this,
controls = self.controls;

orientation: 'vertical',
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 1,
value: parseInt( self._color._alpha*100 ),
slide: function( event, ui ) {
// Update alpha value
self._color._alpha = parseFloat( ui.value/100 );
self._change.apply( self, arguments );
_change: function() {
var self = this,
el = self.element;

if ( this.options.alpha ) {
var controls = self.controls,
alpha = parseInt( self._color._alpha*100 ),
color = self._color.toRgb(),
gradient = [
'rgb(' + color.r + ',' + color.g + ',' + color.b + ') 0%',
'rgba(' + color.r + ',' + color.g + ',' + color.b + ', 0) 100%'
defaultWidth = self.options.defaultWidth,
target = self.picker.closest('.wp-picker-container').find( '.wp-color-result' );

// Generate background slider alpha, only for CSS3 old browser fuck!! :)
controls.aContainer.css({ 'background': 'linear-gradient(to bottom, ' + gradient.join( ', ' ) + '), url(' + image + ')' });

if ( target.hasClass('wp-picker-open') ) {
// Update alpha value
controls.aSlider.slider( 'value', alpha );

* Disabled change opacity in default slider Saturation ( only is alpha enabled )
* and change input width for view all value
if ( self._color._alpha < 1 ) {
var style = controls.strip.attr( 'style' ).replace( /rgba\(([0-9]+,)(\s+)?([0-9]+,)(\s+)?([0-9]+)(,(\s+)?[0-9\.]+)\)/g, 'rgb($1$3$5)' );

controls.strip.attr( 'style', style );

el.width( parseInt( defaultWidth+50 ) );
} else {
el.width( defaultWidth );

var reset ='reset-alpha') || false;
if ( reset ) {
self.picker.find( '.iris-palette-container' ).on( 'click.palette', '.iris-palette', function() {
self._color._alpha = 1; = 'external';
_addInputListeners: function( input ) {
var self = this,
debounceTimeout = 700, // originally set to 100, but some user perceive it as "jumps to random colors at third digit"
callback = function( event ){
var color = new Color( input.val() ),
val = input.val();

input.removeClass( 'iris-error' );
// we gave a bad color
if ( color.error ) {
// don't error on an empty input
if ( val !== '' ) {
input.addClass( 'iris-error' );
} else {
if ( color.toString() !== self._color.toString() ) {
// let's not do this on keyup for hex shortcodes
if ( ! ( event.type === 'keyup' && val.match( /^[0-9a-fA-F]{3}$/ ) ) ) {
self._setOption( 'color', color.toString() );

input.on( 'change', callback ).on( 'keyup', self._debounce( callback, debounceTimeout ) );

// If we initialized hidden, show on first focus. The rest is up to you.
if ( self.options.hide ) { 'focus', function() {;
} );
}( jQuery ) );

// Auto Call plugin is class is color-picker
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
$( '.color-picker' ).wpColorPicker();
} );
Empty file added assets/dashicons-select.css
Empty file.

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