Some utils for use in combination with Soukai-Solid.
npm install
npm test
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Finds the URL of one of the type indexes, given the URL of the profile document. Returns a string or throws an error, namely:
FIXME: Complete this list and create a unit test for each of them, ref #17
- If the webId URL is malformed then ...
- If the profile document cannot be retrieved, then ...
- If fetching the profile document times out based on the timeout of the Fetch function (?), then ...
- If the profile document is not valid JSON-LD then ...
- If the profile document does not contain a link to a type index of the requested type then ...
Example usage:
const args = {
webId: "",
// fetch: {}, FIXME:
typePredicate: "solid:publicTypeIndex",
const result = await getTypeIndexFromProfile(args as any);