An opionated Authentication Framework for Elixir Phoenix.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding passport
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:passport, "~> 0.3.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
- Activatable
- Authenticatable
- Confirmable
- Lockable
- Recoverable
- Rememberable
- not implemented - Trackable
- TwoFactorAuth
Name | Type | Description |
active |
boolean |
Is the entity active, field will be available if activatable_is_flag is true for the entityy's config |
activated_at |
utc_datetime |
When was the entity activated, field will be present if activatable_if_flag is false |
Name | Type | Description |
old_password |
string |
virtual |
password |
string |
virtual |
password_confirmation |
string |
virtual |
password_changed |
boolean |
virtual Was the password changed in the latest update? |
password_hash |
string |
The stored password hash. |
Name | Type | Description |
confirmation_token |
string |
A randomly generated token used to confirm the entity. |
confirmed_at |
utc_datetime |
When was the entity confirmed? |
confirmation_sent_at |
utc_datetime |
When was the confirmation message sent to the entity's email? |
Name | Type | Description |
failed_attempts |
integer |
How many times has the entity failed to login? |
locked_at |
utc_datetime |
When was the entity locked due to login failures? |
lock_changed |
boolean |
virtual Was the locked_at changed during the last update? |
Name | Type | Description |
reset_password_token |
string |
A randomly generated token used to reset the user's password |
reset_password_sent_at |
utc_datetime |
When was the password reset sent? |
Name | Type | Description |
remember_created_at |
utc_datetime |
Name | Type | Description |
sign_in_count |
integer |
How many times has the entity successfully authenticated and created a new session. |
current_sign_in_at |
utc_datetime |
When did the entity successfully authenticate? |
current_sign_in_ip |
integer |
Current IP the entity authenticated from. |
last_sign_in_at |
utc_datetime |
When the entity previously authenticated? |
last_sign_in_ip |
integer |
Previous IP the entity authenticated from. |
Name | Type | Description |
tfa_otp_secret_key |
string |
The key used for generating One Time Passcodes. |
tfa_enabled |
boolean |
Is Two Factor Auth enabled for the entity? |
tfa_attempts_count |
integer |
How many failed two factor auth attempts have happened since last successful one? |
tfa_recovery_tokens |
array<string> |
A list of tokens used in place of an otp. |
Provided by Passport.SessionController
DELETE /login
POST /logout
POST /login
Provided by Passport.ConfirmationController
Request Email Confirmation
POST /confirm/email
Retrieve Email Confirmation Details
GET /confirm/email/:token
Confirm Email
POST /confirm/email/:token
Cancel Email Confirmation
DELETE /confirm/email/:token
Provided by Passport.PasswordController
Request Password Reset
POST /password
Complete Password Reset
POST /password/:token
PATCH /password/:token
PUT /password/:token
Cancel Password Reset
DELETE /password/:token
Provided by Passport.TwoFactorController
Reset TFA Secret
POST /reset/tfa
Confirm TFA
POST /confirm/tfa
Passport has a handful of config options that are required for the library to work correctly:
config :passport,
# the phoenix error view to use when rendering the api errors
error_view: Passport.Support.Web.ErrorView,
# a context module used for creating, retrieiving and managing sessions
sessions_client: Passport.Support.Sessions,
# the writable ecto repository, can be the same as the replica
primary_repo: Passport.Support.Repo,
# the readable ecto repository, can be the same as the primary
replica_repo: Passport.Support.Repo
#$ mix passport.init ModelName table_name
$ mix passport.init User users
defmodule MyApp.User do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "users" do
field :email, :string
By default Passport includes all it's available modules, individual modules can chosen by providing a list to the schema_fields call
Passport.schema_fields([:authenticatable, :lockable, :two_factor_auth])
defmodule MyApp.Web.ConfirmationController do
use MyApp.Web, :controller
use Passport.ConfirmationController, confirmable_model: MyApp.User
defmodule MyApp.Web.PasswordController do
use MyApp.Web, :controller
use Passport.PasswordController, recoverable_model: MyApp.User
@impl true
def request_reset_password(params) do
email = params["email"]
case Passport.Repo.replica().get_by!(Passport.Support.User, email: email) do
nil ->
{:error, :not_found}
entity ->
defmodule MyApp.Web.SessionController do
use MyApp.Web, :controller
use Passport.SessionController
defmodule MyApp.Web.TwoFactorAuthController do
use MyApp.Web, :controller
use Passport.TwoFactorAuthController
Passport only requires a single context to be implemented, it's Sessions context, there it will handle retrieving sessions and their entities as well as checking authentication details.
The module must be configered via config :passport, sessions_client: ModuleName
defmodule Passport.Support.Sessions do
# imports extract_password/1 and extract_auth_code/1
use Passport.Sessions
@impl true
def find_entity_by_identity(identity) do
@impl true
def check_authentication(entity, params) do
Passport.check_authenticatable(entity, extract_password(params))
@impl true
def create_session(entity, _params) do
# for simplicity sake use the entity's id as the token
{:ok, {, entity}}
@impl true
def get_session(token) do
{:ok, [user: Passport.Support.Users.get_user(token), token: token]}
@impl true
def destroy_session(%{user: user} = assigns) do
# nothing to do here, we don't exactly have an api keys table yet
{:ok, user}
# for immediately changing it
{:ok, entity} =
Passport.change_password(entity, %{
old_password: "my_old_password",
password: "new_password",
password_confirmation: "new_password"
# as apart of a changeset
changeset =
Passport.changeset(entity, %{
old_password: "my_old_password",
password: "new_password",
password_confirmation: "new_password"
}, :password_change)