# Gemfile
gem 'martian_components', github: 'polomarte/martian_components', branch: 'master'
# routes.rb
get '/components/:name', to: 'components#show'
# Generate a migration with the follow attributes:
TODO: Create a rake to create this automatically
string "type"
string "key"
string "title"
string "h1"
string "h2"
text "text"
text "data"
boolean "affix_nav_navegable", default: false
string "file"
integer "parent_id"
integer "position"
- Sanitize uploaded SVG files. A SVG file can contain undesired tags like <style> or worse...
- Split HoverGroup component into 3 components:
- 1 - Media card (video, link, download or image, with gallery)
- 2 - Popover bullets (video, link, download or image, no gallery)
- 3 - ?