- Running
npm start
The local site will be available at:
API endpoints can be called via urls such as
- data-model.gql - defines the schema we will upload to fauna db's graphql UI
npm run faunasdk-gen
- queries the schema from Fauna db and creates the typescript client in /generated/sdk.ts
admin form add saleEndData date picker
hide events after saleEndData payment - success increment number of tickets sold in placesSold column
nice to have - list event attendees in event details admin - sales list - update to show its a ticket (hide delivery etc) admin - email - update email template to show its a ticket sale (hide delivery etc) customer - dont think they get a confirmation yet
admin: delete events details page payment - put through cart admin: create new admin: update event homepage entry
Move all things into a graphQL schema
Allow ordering of products (move frozen to end of list)
look up product skus in backend and get prices from there - don't send total from front end
set up staging site
family meals
Special requests
- intro
- Time picker allows you to select 2:15 which is grey'd out AND clicking 15h errors
Cookie accept / policy
terms and conditions / refunds
Custom sign on - prompt to create an account after order.
Nice to have
- Pick unavailable dates from google ical https://www.gatsbyjs.org/packages/gatsby-source-ical/?=ical
- Geo locate user
- Mobile cart page
- Homepage design
- Mobile checkout pages
- Persist cart in session storage
- Web hook to update static menus (stripe test env)
- Add env vars into Netlify (dev versions)
- Show cart summary on checkout
- Stripe: Transfers test products to live
- Web hook to update static menus (stripe live env)
- Live API keys
- Prod env vars
- Add env vars into Netlify (live versions)
- special requests - * email to gmail account
- Delivery for orders over £25
- Delivery time 10 - 14h 16h - 18:30h
- Opening times
- Links to twitter etc
- About banana blossom page
- What to do with order summaries ? email & fauna db
- Netlify Auth to write out site admin tools.
- Menu - responsive
- Contact us info
- loading indicator after pressing payment button (done in meals-from-fauna branch)
- Gluten free / vegan / veg / nuts per product
- Order special dishes on certain days
- disable order delivery dates in past