Package to determine the address or GPS coordinates of location.
HTTP GET requests to Google Maps or Yahoo Finder APIs to either return the geographic coordinates of a given address or determine the address of given geographic coordinates.
You can select which one service is fine for your gps tagging - Google vs. Yahoo API. Yahoo has very good APIs and it should be sad forget on them, when everybody speaks only about google stuffs.
PHP 5.2 and higher.
//required class require('GeoLocator.class.php'); //yahoo geo search require('YahooGeoLocator.class.php'); //OR //google geo search require('GoogleGeoLocator.class.php'); //initialize objects $yahooApiKey = ''; $service = new YahooGeoLocator($yahooApiKey); //OR $googleApiKey= ''; $lang = 'en'; $service = new GoogleGeoLocator($googleApiKey,$lang);
Search lat, long by address:
$service->searchByAddress('Strojnická 12','Praha','Czech republic');
Search address by lat, long: