- Material-UI
- Webpack
- Flexbox
- react-flexbox-grid
- Babel
- Material Icons (general)
- Fonts Awesome (only some services)
The components are in the ./app directory. To run it in your own environment, for testing purposes, run:
npm start
This command will launch webpack-dev-server, with hot-reload server, which is specified in package.json, in the section scripts.
To build the project, simply install all its dependencies and run:
npm run build
The generated code is spitted into the ./build directory.
- Login/Signup component
- User management screen (add users, delete, change password)
- React-Router
- Finish de dashboards container components
- Get the left-navbar right
- Make chart components using d3 and/or c3
- Finish some Dashboards samples
- Custom chart components
- UI for generating components
- Tests
- CI
- Badges