This is a Basic Mindustry Server.
UPDATE NOTICE: If you set the GAME_V to 'latest' the container will always check on startup for a new version or you can set it to whatever version you preferr eg: '100', '90',... (without quotes, upgrading and downgrading also possible).
CONSOLE: To connect to the console open up the terminal for this docker and type in: 'screen -xS Mindustry' (without quotes).
Name | Value | Example |
DATA_DIR | Folder for gamefile | /mindustry |
RUNTIME_NAME | Enter your extracted Runtime folder name. Don't change unless you are knowing what you are doing! | jre1.8.0_211 |
GAME_V | Preferred game version goes here (set to 'latest' to download the latest) | latest |
SRV_NAME | Servername goes here (you need to set a servername) | DockerMindustry |
GAME_PARAMS | Extra startup Parameters if needed (leave empty if not needed) | |
UMASK | Permissions for newly created files. Don't change unless you are knowing what you are doing! | 000 |
UID | User Identifier | 99 |
GID | Group Identifier | 100 |
docker run --name MinecraftBasicServer -d \
-p 6567:6567 -p 6567:6567/udp \
--env 'RUNTIME_NAME=jre1.8.0_211' \
--env 'GAME_V=latest' \
--env 'SRV_NAME=DockerMindustry' \
--env 'UMASK=000' \
--env 'UID=99' \
--env 'GID=100' \
--volume /mnt/user/appdata/mindustry:/mindustry \
This Docker was mainly edited for better use with Unraid, if you don't use Unraid you should definitely try it!