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AES-GCM circom circuits


This repository contains an implementation of AES-GCM in Circom. We have used circomkit to generate and test witnesses in the test files. We have also used to related rust code in the src generate test vectors from official cryptography libraries. The Circuits and circomkit tests are in the circuits directory.

Design Documents


To use this repo, you need to install the just command runner:

cargo install just
# or use cargo binstall for fast install:
cargo binstall -y just

# install dependencies
just install


Test witnesses are validated by circomkits tests. These can be run with: just circom-test

Testing Circom

Example commands for using circom-kit

just circom-test # test all circom tests 
just circom-testg TESTNAME # test a named test

# also see:
`npx circomkit`: circomkit commands
`npx circomkit compile <circuit>`: equiv to `circom --wasm ...`
`npx circomkit witness <circuit> <witness.json>`: equiv to call generate_witness.js


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