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Bill Creswell edited this page Apr 26, 2015 · 3 revisions

Recent Releases





pluck 4.6.4

released Oktober 3, 2010 Replace ereg() and split() functions with PHP 5.3 compatible alternatives. Fix security issue ( Prevent Cross-site Request Forgery. Added support for security token. Fixes bug #406129 Check email address validity during installation.

pluck 4.6.3

released June 4, 2009 [security] fix security vulnerability (more information) improve module_is_compatible() function, to allow point-releases if a major release has been specified

pluck 4.6.2

released March 27, 2009 [security] fix security exploit (more information) [bug] fix problem with line breaks in album images descriptions (more information)

pluck 4.6.1

release november 19 2008 [bug] fix charset problems in page names and albums [bug] fix markup problems in functions.admin.php (#298949)

pluck 4.6

released November 9 2008 rewritten blog module added predefined module variables in administration center added functions for common tasks added support for slideshows in Lightbox now showing image name and description in Lightbox update TinyMCE to 3.2 lots of code cleanups and enhancements [bug] trashcan sometimes showed 2 items when it was empty [bug] now showing thumbnail when an album name contains a strange character (#261833) [bug] close button and loading image in Lightbox didn't show up

pluck 4.5.3

released August 22 2008 [security] new unregister_globals function to unregister globals properly [security] blocked "/" and ".." characters in security filter, to prevent local file inclusion

pluck 4.5.2

released July 15 2008 [security] Local file inclusion was possible in predefined_variables.php (thanks to AmnPardaz) [bug] TinyMCE didn't always show up with Internet Explorer 7 (#31) [bug] viewing a page in the trashcan caused an error (#29) [bug] the top menu shows again when using Internet Explorer with Hebrew (#30) [bug] inserting links in TinyMCE didn't work due to a problem with the XHTML Compatibility mode

pluck 4.6 beta 1

released June 15 2008 implemented new module-function implemented new theming engine now using curl to check for updates now using md5 to encrypt the password now using Tarlib from The Maxg Network for extraction of theme- and module-files now only showing themes compatible with new theming engine in the administration center introduced new module icon made some big changes in the directory structure deleted stats-function [bug] TinyMCE didn't always show up with Internet Explorer 7 (#31) [bug] viewing a page in the trashcan caused an error (#29) [bug] the top menu shows again when using Internet Explorer with Hebrew (#30) [bug] check if we chose a language/theme before saving data in administration center [bug] inserting links in TinyMCE didn't work due to a problem with the XHTML Compatibility mode

pluck 4.5.1

released December 27 2007 for changes in 4.5: see releasenotes 4.5 [bug] problem with RTL in admincenter has been fixed (#28)

pluck 4.5

released December 22 2007 implemented the trashcan-function brand-new update-notifier has been implemented a credit-page has been added title of a blogpost is now a link included the possibility to turn on the TinyMCE Full XHTML Ruleset included Bulgarian translation included Italian translation included Latvian translation included Thai translation updated TinyMCE to version 2.1.3 the usual small code optimalisations [bug] special characters in album- and blognames are now possible (#1) [bug] now blocking upload of images with spaces in the filename (#2) [bug] posts displayed double when inserting multiple blog-categories (#11) [bug] points in album/blognames are now blocked (#24) [bug] blogposts were sorted in wrong order (#8) [bug] logging in with IE is now possible with Enter-key (#25) [bug] problems with strange characters in pluck-URLs have been fixed (#13)

pluck 4.4

released September 8 2007 included a blogging/news module included support for right-to-left languages included the option to exclude a page from the menu added option to edit metatags for each page apart included Catalan language, thanks Cesc! included Spanish language, thanks Cesc! included Norwegian language, thanks John Erik! included Hungarian language, thanks Wix! included Lithuanian language, thanks Mindaugas! included Hebrew language, thanks Erez! added security enhancements that check for hacking attempts and block them you can now scroll through images when viewing an image in an album adjustments to the TinyMCE theme, should look better now TinyMCE now uses the same language as pluck (if language is available) updated TinyMCE to version 2.1.2 the usual small code optimalisations [bug] 404 error-page shows up alright now [bug] installed themes now get the right permissions [security] closed vulnerability in index.php and many small bugfixes

pluck 4.3

released July 7 2007 included a nice photoalbum that you can use to show your favourite photos and images included an option to include a emailform on any page you want included a theme-installer included a new default theme, thanks Kristaps! The old theme is still available under the name "Oldstyle". included French language, thanks Vincent! included Swedish language, thanks Carl! included Russian language, thanks Tkachev! did some overall code cleanup and optimalisation updated from GPLv2 to GPLv3 license did some optimalisation regarding W3C-compatibilty [bug] stats couldn't be deleted on some servers due to permission problems [bug] single quotes (apostrophes) will now display correct when saving a page [bug] all kinds of "special characters" display correct now (switched to utf-8)

pluck 4.2

released May 26 2007 changed the name from cmssystem to pluck added theme-support switched to icons from the tango-project added Danish language, thanks Lone! stats-icons improvement, thanks Gilnei! security improvement: now using php-sessions upgraded tinymce to version fixed bug: orphaned javascript-entry deleted

cmssystem 4.1

released May 3 2007 Nice stats implemented Some improvements in the English language-file Administrationcenter looks better in IE now Bug-fix: added support for Windows-servers German language added Portuguese language added Portuguese (Brazilian) language added

cmssystem 4.0

released April 11 2007 Overall code-cleanup; we started coding from scratch New, fresh look of the administrationcenter Language-files implemented; cmssystem now available in English and Dutch Using now TinyMCE as WYSIWYG-editor Bug fix: unnecessary step in install.php deleted