Basically this is an SVN import of the google-mobwite project over at google code with some minor alterations and patching to the gateway script up and running via WSGI instead of mod_python. I have also cleaned away all the other stuff that I didn't need (java, php, etc).
The main meat of the updates are to be found in daemon/
, which is pretty much a straight up port of Neil Fraser's original
python gateway to run under WSGI instead of mod_python. Verrra nice.
I'm just going to assume you are using virtualenv & virtualevwrapper because you should be...
virtualenv --no-site-packages mobwrite
git clone git://
Open a couple of new terminals (& move into the new virtualenv again, etc) you can;
- First terminal;
cd google-mobwrite/daemon
- Second terminal;
cd google-mobwrite/daemon
Now you should be able to test everything is working locally over yonder: http://localhost:8000/?editor.