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Project setup

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1. Project configuration

The configuration of the project is managed in 3 files:

  1. This contains default configuration which is common for all NextEuropa projects. This file should never be edited.

  2. This is the configuration for your project. In here you can override the default configuration with settings that are more suitable for your project. Some typical settings would be the site name, the install profile to use and the modules/features to enable after installation.

    • In addition to these, we have the following preconfigured files:
  3. This contains configuration which is unique for the local development environment. In here you would place things like your database credentials and the development modules you would like to install.

    To get started, copy the relevant preconfigured example file to and modify the data.

    This file should never be committed.

2. Project code

  • Your custom modules, themes and custom PHP code go in the lib/ folder. The contents of this folder get symlinked into the Drupal website at sites/all/.
  • Any contrib modules, themes, libraries and patches you use should be put in the make file resources/site.make. Whenever the site is built these will be downloaded and copied into the Drupal website.
  • Any development only modules, themes, libraries should be either added to the resources/ file, or loaded using composer (require-dev).
  • If you have any custom Composer dependencies, declare them in resources/composer.json and resources/composer.lock.

3. Drupal root

The Drupal site will be placed in the build/ folder when it is built. Point your webserver here. This is also where you would execute your Drush commands. Your custom modules are symlinked from build/sites/all/modules/custom/ to lib/modules/ so you can work in either location, whichever you find the most comfortable.

4. Behat tests

All Behat related files are located in the tests/ folder.

  • tests/behat.yml: The Behat configuration file. This file is regenerated automatically when the project is built and should never be edited or committed.
  • tests/behat.yml.dist: The template that is used for generating behat.yml. If you need to tweak the configuration of Behat then this is the place to do that.
  • tests/features/: Put your Behat test scenarios here.
  • tests/src/Context/: The home of custom Context classes.

For more information about testing within our project, Read this article.

5. Styleguide

The DT repository contains all the source files needed to generate the Europa styleguide, but it doesn't contain the generated styleguide. In your local environment, in order to generate the styleguide you will need npm (package manager for JavaScript) to be installed on your system, once you have npm you can run npm install from the root of the europa theme and you will get Kss which is the library we are using to generate the styleguide. There is a phing task named gen-styleguide which can be used to facilitate the styleguide generation ./bin/phing gen-styleguide The generated files are excluded in .gitignore, so you should never notice them doing a git diff, in any case do not add those files to the repository, please.

6. Other files and folders

  • bin/: Contains command line executables for the various tools we use such as Behat, Drush, Phing, PHP CodeSniffer etc.
  • src/: Custom PHP code for the build system, such as project specific Phing tasks.
  • tmp/: A temporary folder where the platform tarball is downloaded and unpacked during the build process.
    • You should exclude this folder in phpstorm.
  • tmp/build/: Will contain the build intended for deployment to production. Use the build-dist Phing target to build it.
  • tmp/deploy-package.tar.gz: The platform tarball. This file is very large and will only be downloaded once. When a new build is started in the future the download will be skipped, unless this file is deleted manually.
  • vendor/: Composer dependencies and autoloader.

7. Deployment on acquia cloud

The stage environment for the DT projects is in the acquia cloud, in order to stage also the styleguide we include that in the package we submit to acquia. If you intend to deploy on acquia, you will need npm to be installed on your system and you need to run the npm install in the root folder of the Europa theme before attempting it.

Tips and tricks

Digital transformation specific commands

  • ./bin/phing rebuild-dev-db rebuilds the codebase, creates a settings file and restores the database. This is espeically usefull for peer reviewing tickets.

  • ./bin/phing snapshot Creates a dump from the local database.

  • ./bin/phing restore-snapshot Restores a database dump previously created by ./bin/phing snapshot

  • drush en dt_dev -y; drush frdt -y After running those commands, all the feature fields will be unlocked.

    dt_dev takes care of the manual tasks, it will make sure the bases of our qa process are covered by always locking on export, and adding required info file parameters.

  • drush en dt_test_content will enable the "dummy content" feature that install preconfigured entities for you to test with.

Common platform deploy package storage

To avoid the need to download the deploy-package-*.tar.gz multiple times when used in different instances, optionally you can set up a symlink to a common storage folder.

Ideally you could point this symlink to the folder that is synced with the Google Drive folder where these files are kept. Like this new version will also be immediately uploaded and shared with the whole team.

You can set this up by defining your folder in the in your

Peer reviewing

To enhance our peer reviewing, we have implied a few rules:

  • We integrated a checklist for the reviewer to check after testing.
  • We have a template ready for you to complete so creating a pull request will take less time.
  • We use 3 main tags for peer reviews:
    • Validated: This means the code has been tested, but it's waiting for continuousphp to complete. All validated pull requests can be merged by anyone whenever the continuous integration is complete.
    • Needs review / no status: Ticket is ready to be reviewed
    • Needs work: There are issues with the implementation/code and there is more work to be done by the author.

Environment changelog:

26/07/2016 - Updated readme documentation and changed pull request template.

Continuous integration status:

Develop: Build Status

Master: Build Status

Additional reading material

The documentation below is the original starterkit documentation and is not maintained by the dttsb team.

This README is divided in different parts, please read the relevant section:

  1. Developer guide: Explains day-to-day development practices when working on a NextEuropa subsite.
  2. Starting a new project: This section explains how to set up a brand new project on the NextEuropa platform. These instructions need only to be followed once by the lead developer at the start of the project.
  3. Converting an existing project: If you already have a project that runs on NextEuropa and you want to start using Continuous Integration, check out this section.
  4. Merging upstream changes: How to merge the latest changes that have been made to the Subsite Starterkit in your own project.
  5. Contributing: How to contribute bugfixes and new features to the Subsite Starterkit.