Twig components for the EU/EC new visual identity
To run a local webserver that shows how these components can be used, run
npm install && npm start
To use these components on your site, include dist/components.bundled.js
the page and any of the included component tags. For example:
<script src="./ECL-twig/components.bundled.js"></script>
<proper-name first="Bill" middle="Stanley" last="Preston" suffix="Esquire"></proper-name>
Should render the proper-name
If you prefer to manage polyfills and the Twig.js library yourself, you can
include components.js
Individual components are also available in dist
, and can be included on your
site if you include the polyfills and the Twig.js library. For example:
<script src="./webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
<script src="./webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"></script>
<script src="./twig/twig.min.js"></script>
<script src="./ECL-twig/proper-name/proper-name.js"></script>
<proper-name first="Bill" middle="Stanley" last="Preston" suffix="Esquire"></proper-name>
To execute the entire production Webpack build, run npm run build
Tests are written with the web-component-tester package.
To run tests, ensure Java is available in your PATH
, then run npm test