Spark Java Program to extract HTML contents from WARC archives for the estnltk project (
Contains two different Spark jobs:
- A standalone batch proccessing job: org.ut.scicloud.estnltk.SparkWarcReader
- Spark Straming job: org.ut.scicloud.estnltk.SparkWarcStreamingReader
Output is in the Hadoop TextFile format and contains the following values:
Text key - protocol + "::" + hostname + "::" + urlpath + "::" + parameters + "::" + date ("yyyymmddhhmmss")
Text val - raw html string
To make the output of the program compatible with text based Python Spark streaming, all linebreaks are removed from the HTML to make it a single line string. \
Command to test streaming job locally:
spark-submit --master local[4]
--jars lib/warcutils-1.2.jar,
--class org.ut.scicloud.estnltk.SparkWarcStreamingReader
warcToSpark.jar input_folder output_folder
NB! When working with HDFS, input files have to be moved not copied!
Suggested behaviour when processing already existing files in HDFS is to first copy input files to a temporary folder and then move them to the input folder of the streaming job:
hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal /mnt/warcs/warc1.warc inputToCopy
hadoop dfs -mv inputToCopy/* input