Lightweight bulk image url list downloader written in Python3 by
It provides the following features:
- RateLimiter with throttling max downloads per interval using a simple token bucket algorithm without queue
- Multithreaded downloads
- Preserves the context path of the images ( is stored into img/abs/img.jpg)
- Creates a file img_list_name.txt_errors.log containing failed images
- Can store images into download folder tree or directly into a tar file
- Low memory usage even with huge url lists by using BoundedExecutor that create threads in chunks
- Download progress bar with downloads/second (using tqdm, but big memory footprint)
Install the project into your local system as symlinked source:
python3 develop
You should use venv when working on the project.
python3 -mvenv .
source bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
source bin/activate
Install requirements:
sudo apt install python3-setuptools python3-pip
Install the project into your local system:
cd PixolutionImageDownloader/
python3 install
After install it is available as pxl_downloader in your systems CLI. Use it like this:
pxl_downloader --threads=8 download --tarfile --ratelimit-interval=2 --ratelimit-downloads=50 samples.csv downloads/
Deinstall it with:
python3 uninstall
To run a single test use:
python3 -m unittest tests/
To run all available tests use:
python3 -m unittest discover tests/
user@pixolution:~$ pxl_downloader --help
usage: pxl_downloader [-h] [--threads THREADS] [--verbose]
{download,status} ... image_list_file download_folder
Lightweight mass image downloader written in Python3.
positional arguments:
{download,status} available commands
download Download a list of images
status Check the download folder and the given image list file
and print some stats about that
image_list_file A file with urls defered by newlines
download_folder A folder to download the images to.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--threads THREADS Number of threads to download or status check in parallel
--verbose Show each image url to download in stdout instead of
default progress bar
♥ Crafted with love in Berlin by ♥
Download options:
user@pixolution:~$ pxl_downloader download --help
usage: pxl_downloader download [-h] [--tarfile] [--progressbar]
[--ratelimit-interval RATELIMIT_INTERVAL]
[--ratelimit-downloads RATELIMIT_DOWNLOADS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--tarfile Store downloaded images directly into tarfile instead
of file structure
--progressbar Show a tqdm progress bar. This needs more RAM because
we need to put the image file list into RAM before we
can start.
--ratelimit-interval RATELIMIT_INTERVAL
Interval in seconds (minimum 1.0) for the rate
limiter. Default is 1.0 seconds.
--ratelimit-downloads RATELIMIT_DOWNLOADS
Number of downloads per interval (default interval 1
second). If negative no rate limit is applied. Default
is -1