contains all you need to learn how to build modules
- create a git repo with
- goto cd modules
- git clone
- you can copy existing modules content according to the usage
- XxxxxModule.php
- chnge metadata : keywords , description
- XxxxxModule.php
- assets/js
- categories.json : is a category description
- dynForm.js : is a dynform definition file
- init.js : adds any scripts into CO objects
- CoController manages anything that will be used in CO
- DefaultController : manages all standalone
- if in CO, there is interaction with a model it must be loaded in CO2Module.php
- $this->setImport(array( 'xxxxx.models.*', -xxxxx in pixelhumain/ph/protected/config/moduleconfig.php
- choose an icon here : right click save > overload assets/images/logo.png
- modules are declared in initJs.php in var modules
- add getConfig method in the main model
- comprendre le fonctionnement des urls
- controlleur
- Action
- view
- afficher un alert js
- faire un premiere page faq accessible ici :
- make a query to DB , get all people born before 90'
- copier l'exemple de graph depuisle module graph
- dans le module graph créer un nouveau controlleur LEARN et crer un nouveau graph
/yourModule shows the content information