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TaxSBP - Taxonomic structured bin packing implementation


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install with bioconda

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Implementation of the approximation algorithm for the hierarchically structured bin packing problem [1] adapted for the NCBI Taxonomy database [2] (uses LCA script from [3]).


conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge taxsbp

or manual installation without conda



  • A tab-separated file:

    sequence id <tab> sequence length <tab> taxonomic id [ <tab> specialization]

  • nodes.dmp and merged.dmp from NCBI Taxonomy (

  • specialization can be used to further cluster sequences by groups beyond the taxonomy (e.g. strain name, assembly accession, ...)

  • if specialization is set but missing in the file, a placeholder will be used "specialization-sequence id"


  • A tab-separated file:

    sequence id <tab> seq.start <tab> seq.end <tab> sequence length <tab> taxonomic id <tab> bin id [ <tab> specialization]

Examples with sample data:

The sample data is comprised of:

- hierarchy with 5 levels (rank1-rank5), where the root node is "1" and leaf nodes are marked with a "*"
- 8 Specializations (S1-S9) and 13 targets (A-M) with equal length (100) 

rank-1                   1 ________________
                        / \           \    \
rank-2                2.1 2.2 ______   \    \
                      / \    \      \   \    \
rank-3             3.1  3.2   3.4    \   \    \
                    /   / \     \     \   \    \
rank-4          *4.1 *4.2 *4.3  *4.4  *4.5 *4.6 \
                 /    /   /     / | \   \   \    \
rank-5          /    /   / *5.1 *5.2 \   \   \    \
               /    /   /     /   |   \   \   \    \
spec.         S1   S2  S3   S4   S5   S6  S7  S8   S9
             /  \   |   |   / \   |   |   |   /|\   |
target      A    B  C   D  E   F  G   H   I  J K L  M

Clusters of size 400 -i sample_data/seqinfo.tsv -n sample_data/nodes.dmp -l 400
#id	st	end	len	tax	bin	
F	1	100	100	5.1	0
E	1	100	100	5.1	0
H	1	100	100	4.4	0
G	1	100	100	5.2	0
D	1	100	100	4.3	1
C	1	100	100	4.2	1
B	1	100	100	4.1	1
A	1	100	100	4.1	1
L	1	100	100	4.6	2
K	1	100	100	4.6	2
J	1	100	100	4.6	2
M	1	100	100	1	2
I	1	100	100	4.5	3

Pre-clustered by "rank-2" -i sample_data/seqinfo.tsv -n sample_data/nodes.dmp -l 400 -p "rank-2"
  • ABCD (2.1) and EFGHI (2.2) are pre-clustered together
#id	st	end	len	tax	bin	
I	1	100	100	4.5	0
G	1	100	100	5.2	0
E	1	100	100	5.1	0
F	1	100	100	5.1	0
H	1	100	100	4.4	0
C	1	100	100	4.2	1
D	1	100	100	4.3	1
A	1	100	100	4.1	1
B	1	100	100	4.1	1
J	1	100	100	4.6	2
K	1	100	100	4.6	2
L	1	100	100	4.6	2
M	1	100	100	1	2

Bin exclusive clusters by "rank-4" -i sample_data/seqinfo.tsv -n sample_data/nodes.dmp -l 400 -e "rank-4"
  • Clusters are generated for each sub-tree of nodes from rank-4. The taxid of the exclusive rank is printed instead of the original.
#id	st	end	len	tax	bin	
F	1	100	100	4.4	0
E	1	100	100	4.4	0
H	1	100	100	4.4	0
G	1	100	100	4.4	0
L	1	100	100	4.6	1
K	1	100	100	4.6	1
J	1	100	100	4.6	1
B	1	100	100	4.1	2
A	1	100	100	4.1	2
I	1	100	100	4.5	3
D	1	100	100	4.3	4
C	1	100	100	4.2	5
M	1	100	100	1	6

Cluster with specialization -i sample_data/seqinfo.tsv -n sample_data/nodes.dmp -l 400 -s MySpec -e MySpec
  • Clusters are exclusive by specialization
#id	st	end	len	tax	bin	spec	
L	1	100	100	4.6	0	S8
K	1	100	100	4.6	0	S8
J	1	100	100	4.6	0	S8
F	1	100	100	5.1	1	S4
E	1	100	100	5.1	1	S4
B	1	100	100	4.1	2	S1
A	1	100	100	4.1	2	S1
G	1	100	100	5.2	3	S5
D	1	100	100	4.3	4	S3
M	1	100	100	1	5	S9
H	1	100	100	4.4	6	S6
I	1	100	100	4.5	7	S7
C	1	100	100	4.2	8	S2

Cluster with fragmentation -i sample_data/seqinfo.tsv -n sample_data/nodes.dmp -l 150 -f 50 -a 5 -e "rank-3"
  • Clusters of size 150. Fragment inputs in 50 with overlap of 5. Cluster exclusive of "rank-3"
#id	st	end	len	tax	bin	
F	1	55	55	3.4	0
E	1	55	55	3.4	0
B	1	55	55	3.1	1
A	1	55	55	3.1	1
L	1	55	55	4.6	2
K	1	55	55	4.6	2
G	1	55	55	3.4	3
G	51	100	50	3.4	3
H	1	55	55	3.4	4
H	51	100	50	3.4	4
D	1	55	55	3.2	5
D	51	100	50	3.2	5
C	1	55	55	3.2	6
C	51	100	50	3.2	6
I	1	55	55	4.5	7
I	51	100	50	4.5	7
J	1	55	55	4.6	8
L	51	100	50	4.6	8
M	1	55	55	1	9
M	51	100	50	1	9
F	51	100	50	3.4	10
E	51	100	50	3.4	10
B	51	100	50	3.1	11
A	51	100	50	3.1	11
K	51	100	50	4.6	12
J	51	100	50	4.6	12

Examples with real data:

Prepare data:

gzip -d sample_data/*.gz

Clustering: -i sample_data/20181219_abfv_refseq_cg.tsv -n sample_data/20181219_abfv_refseq_cg_nodes.dmp -l 10000000 -f 999500 -a 500


$ taxsbp -h

usage: taxsbp [-h] [-i <input_file>] [-o <output_file>] [-n <nodes_file>] [-m <merged_file>] [-l <bin_len>] [-b <bins>]
              [-f <fragment_len>] [-a <overlap_len>] [-p <pre_cluster>] [-e <bin_exclusive>] [-s <specialization>]
              [-u <update_file>] [-w] [-t] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i <input_file>, --input-file <input_file>
                        Tab-separated with the fields: sequence id <tab> sequence length <tab> taxonomic id [<tab>
  -o <output_file>, --output-file <output_file>
                        Path to the output tab-separated file. Fields: sequence id <tab> sequence start <tab> sequence
                        end <tab> sequence length <tab> taxonomic id <tab> bin id [<tab> specialization]. Default: STDOUT
  -n <nodes_file>, --nodes-file <nodes_file>
                        nodes.dmp from NCBI Taxonomy
  -m <merged_file>, --merged-file <merged_file>
                        merged.dmp from NCBI Taxonomy
  -l <bin_len>, --bin-len <bin_len>
                        Maximum bin length (in bp). Use this parameter insted of -b to define the number of bins.
                        Default: length of the biggest group [Mutually exclusive -b]
  -b <bins>, --bins <bins>
                        Approximate number of bins (estimated by total length/bin number). [Mutually exclusive -l]
  -f <fragment_len>, --fragment-len <fragment_len>
                        Fragment sequences into pieces
  -a <overlap_len>, --overlap-len <overlap_len>
                        Overlap length between fragments [Only valid with -a]
  -p <pre_cluster>, --pre-cluster <pre_cluster>
                        Pre-cluster sequences into any existing rank, leaves or specialization. Entries will not be
                        divided in bins ['leaves',specialization name,rank name]
  -e <bin_exclusive>, --bin-exclusive <bin_exclusive>
                        Make bins rank, leaves or specialization exclusive. Bins will not have mixed entries. When the
                        chosen rank is not present on a sequence lineage, this sequence will be leaf/specialization
                        exclusive. ['leaves',specialization name,rank name]
  -s <specialization>, --specialization <specialization>
                        Specialization name (e.g. assembly, strain). If given, TaxSBP will cluster entries on a
                        specialized level after the leaf. The specialization identifier should be provided as an extra
                        collumn in the input_file and should respect the taxonomic hiercharchy: One leaf can have
                        multiple specializations but a specialization is present in only one leaf
  -u <update_file>, --update-file <update_file>
                        Previously generated clusters to be updated. Output only new sequences
  -w, --allow-merge     When updating, allow merging of existing bins. Will output the whole set, not only new bins
  -t, --silent          Do not print warning to STDERR
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Manual Installation



git clone
cd pylca
python install

TaxSBP + binpacking:

git clone
cd taxsbp
python install
taxsbp -h


pip install "pandas>=0.22.0"
cd taxsbp
python3 -m unittest discover -s tests/taxsbp/integration/


[1] Codenotti, B., De Marco, G., Leoncini, M., Montangero, M., & Santini, M. (2004). Approximation algorithms for a hierarchically structured bin packing problem. Information Processing Letters, 89(5), 215–221.

[2] Federhen, S. (2012). The NCBI Taxonomy database. Nucleic Acids Research, 40(D1), D136–D143.

[3] in the package


TaxSBP - Taxonomic structured bin packing implementation







No packages published
