This is some Codec2 tests for ARM Cortex-M4F STM32F4-Discovery, THIS IS ENCODER + MODULATOR ONLY (yet). The codec2-dev branch also contains stm32 port of codec2:
- GNU toolchain from ARM Cortex-R & Cortex-M: -- compilator and toolchains
- ST-LINK utils -- Debugger & programmer software.
- The existant code implements only encoder and modulator.
- 8kHz -> 48 kHz resampler may be used for converting FDMDV signal (turned on by default).
- Floating-Point subprocessor is used where possible.
- The open-source realization of PDM filter is used, the cutoff frequency - is 3,6 kHz.
- Microphone sensitivity setted to minimum for preventing noise.
- You can connect some 5/3.3 V terminal RX pin to the board's PA2 pin for receiving various debug messages. The terminal speed is 115200 8N1.
- There is 6x FIFO Queue between encoder and modulator, it needs because sometimes one 320-sample frame takes longer than real time, this adds delay up to ~250ms.
- Application also used additional 64k memory (so-called core-coupled memory).
- By default, firmware just pass-thru microphone samples into output. To enable Codec2+FDMDV - click to user-button (blue one).
- CMSIS DSP library is used to accelerate encoding.
- Rightnow Codec2 core is old, to correctly decode you need svn rev. 416 of the Codec2.