- java 8
- maven 3
- python 2.7 (with numpy and pandas)
- ipython 3+
- R/3.2
#Installing Apache Spark:
- Download Apache Spark version 1.6.1 pre-build with Hadoop 2.6.x from http://spark.apache.org/downloads.html
- Untar in desired location (SPARK_HOME) and add $SPARK_HOME/bin to your path
e.g in your ~/.bash_profile
export SPARK_HOME=/opt/spark-1.6.1
#Running iPython examples:
In ipython
dir run:
IPYTHON_OPTS="notebook" pyspark
#Running interactive shell examples:
For pyspark
in shell dir run:
>>> execfile("WordCount.py")
For spark-shell
in shell dir run:
>>> :load WordCount.scala
#Runing java8 application
In java8/wordcount
dir run:
mvn clean install #to build the assembly jar
./run-local.sh #to run in local mode
#Running spark sql and spark ml example
In ml
or sql
dir run:
IPYTHON_OPTS="notebook" pyspark --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.3.0
#Running R examples
SparkR examples are in R
env variable needs to be set. If not set globally can be set for R and RStudion in ~/.Rprofile
. e.g:
#File: ~/.Rprofile
To initialise a local spark context use:
source 'spark.local.R'
The spark context is available in: sc
variable and the sql context (data frame context) in: dc
To go through the housing.R
example open it in RStudio and run the desired fragments.
#More info:
Contact: [email protected]