Infer specs from any Avro named type (record, fixed, or enum).
Generative testing and pre-serialisation validation.
Avro was a British aircraft manufacturer. Nowadays it is a data serialization framework. A dove is smaller than an Avro aircraft, but it's softer and you can hold it in your hand, which makes it much more convenient when dealing with data manually.
Let's take a couple of simple schemas and infer spec from them.
// Namespace as Java-like package name
protocol Messages {
/** Unique identifier. Will be cast to a UUID. */
fixed UID(16);
/** Category of a product. A product can only have zero of one category. */
enum Category {
/** Description of a product. Only fields `id` and `retailPrice` are required. */
record Product {
/** Identifier of this product. Will be cast to a UUID. */
UID id;
/** What a customer must pay to get one item. Gross profit for each sold product. */
decimal(8,1) retailPrice;
/** If known, count of available items of this product from our big warehouse. */
union { null, int } warehouseCount = null;
/** Ids of all the variants of this product family, including this very product id. */
array<UID> familyVariants = [];
/** Category of this product, if relevant */
union { null, Category } category = null;
I hope comments make it quite easy to understand.
Demo Avro schemas sources and classes are generated from IDL files with this Maven command:
mvn clean compile
(ns dove.usage-demo
(:require [dove.core :as dove]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen]
[clojure.test.check.generators :as test.g]
[clj-uuid :as uuid])
;; These schemas are for the purpose of the demo.
(:import (com.bigCorp UID Category Product)
(java.nio ByteBuffer)
(java.util UUID)))
Turning a schema definition into a spec is straightforward with
. It takes two arguments:
- The schema which you want to recursively infer specs from.
- Spec generation parameters. Defaults are
, which are equivalent to{}
(dove/to-spec! (Category/getClassSchema) {})
=> :com.bigCorp/Category
This returns the spec keyword.
(gen/generate (s/gen :com.bigCorp/Category))
(gen/generate (s/gen :com.bigCorp/Category))
Clojure spec use a global registry. Dove mimics this and will ignore specs it has already infered.
=> #{:com.bigCorp/Category}
Let's infer a spec for a named, fixed type:
(dove/to-spec! (UID/getClassSchema) {})
=> :com.bigCorp/UID
This spec matches the definition of a fixed type, so it's valid. However it doesn't give useful sample.
(gen/generate (s/gen :com.bigCorp/UID))
=> #object["[B" 0x5b37ba4c "[B@5b37ba4c"]
Let's redefine this spec to something more idiomatic.
(defn bytes->uuid-v4
^UUID [^bytes b]
(let [buffer ^ByteBuffer (ByteBuffer/wrap b)]
(uuid/v4 (.getLong buffer) (.getLong buffer))))
(s/def :com.bigCorp/UID
#(test.g/fmap bytes->uuid-v4 (s/gen (dove/->avro-fixed? 16)))))
(gen/generate (s/gen :com.bigCorp/UID))
=> #uuid"d28df78a-8aa2-4b8c-b261-b0286581c865"
At this point two specs are known to have been infered and won't be
further altered. You can also use that to instruct dove
to leave
some specs untouched if you are willing to define them yourself.
=> #{:com.bigCorp/Category :com.bigCorp/UID}
Now let's infer the spec for something bigger.
(dove/to-spec! (Product/getClassSchema) {})
=> :com.bigCorp/Product
(gen/generate (s/gen :com.bigCorp/Product))
=> {:category "BEAUTY",
:warehouseCount 3
:familyVariants [#uuid"de3ad2cd-551e-4b5d-a144-6f018ea38450"],
:retailPrice 12.4M,
:id #uuid"44857f13-f64c-4c16-9c33-bc83b6602213"}
Some fields are not mandatory because of union { null, … }
Likewise, they can be missing from a sample:
(gen/generate (s/gen :com.bigCorp/Product))
=> {:familyVariants [],
:retailPrice 3476.3M,
:id #uuid"9ab4e463-14fc-4226-ad26-ccdf22e77263"}
The previous examples focus on the ease of use and keep things
simple. Here are parameters you can tune to adapt dove
to your
;; in `dove.core`
(def convenient-args
"These args are not meant to be your default choice, but they are
somehow convenient to use."
{:dry-run? false
:ns-keys? false
:enum-obj? false
:required-union-nil-value? false
:dove.spec/keyword dove-spec-keyword})
- When
will not define any spec but instead print its name. - When
, keys of generated sample will be namespaced in a Datomic-like way. - When
, generated sample ofenum
will be actualEnum
f instances and not mere strings. - When
, all records fields will be present in a sample. Fields which type isunion { null, … }
could otherwise be missing. - When
is filled, each generated record sample is added its name under this key. This can be helpful to unambiguously generate Avro record from maps.
(reset! dove/ignored-specs #{:com.bigCorp/UID})
;; => #{:com.bigCorp/UID}
(dove/to-spec! (Product/getClassSchema)
{:dry-run? false
:ns-keys? true
:enum-obj? true
:required-union-nil-value? true
:dove.spec/keyword dove/dove-spec-keyword})
(gen/generate (s/gen :com.bigCorp/Product))
=> {:com.bigCorp.Product/category #object[com.bigCorp.Category 0x24246526 "VEGETABLES"],
:com.bigCorp.Product/familyVariants [#uuid"182f170e-86d8-4c82-b067-999593756478"
:com.bigCorp.Product/warehouseCount 73,
:com.bigCorp.Product/retailPrice 0.2M,
:com.bigCorp.Product/id #uuid"f3ef308b-2bce-4664-95b9-eb7a1aa78fd6",
:dove.spec/name :com.bigCorp/Product}
Any behaviour different from Avro 1.8.2 specification should be considered a bug.
This library is currently under development. Feel free to give me any feedback and I'll be more than happy to help you.
I've got a great deal of inspiration from these projects. They might suit your needs better than dove. Each of them is pretty impressive!
- lancaster from Chad Harrington
- spec-tools from Tommi Reiman
- spec-provider from Stathis Sideris