CS Demo Parser is a Scala library for retrieving information from CS:GO .dem files.
CS Demo Parser exhibits interface to use it from Scala and Java. Java:
//Obtain parser interface by call
DemoParserInterface parser = DemoParsing.getParser();
//Parser API
public interface DemoParserInterface {
Future<DemoInterface> parseFromPath(Path path, ParserConfigInterface config, ExecutorService exService);
Future<DemoInterface> parseFromInputStream(InputStream input, ParserConfigInterface config, ExecutorService exService);
//Future will throw DemoParsingException(String reason) on error
//For ParserConfigInterface you can use JavaParserConfig
class JavaParserConfig {
public JavaParserConfig(Set<String> _ignoredGameEvents);
//Use DemoParser companion object for parsing demos
object DemoParser {
def parseFromPath(path: Path, config: ParserConfigInterface)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[String, Demo]]
def parseFromInputStream(inputStream: InputStream, config: ParserConfigInterface)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[String, Demo]]
//Instead of throwing exception it returns Either[String, Demo]
//Instead of interfaces you can use model implemented with case classes
case class Demo(header: Header, events: Seq[GameEvent])
case class Header(/*...*/)
case class GameEvent(name: String, tick: Int, keys: Map[String, Value[_]])
sealed trait Value[T]
//For config you can use ParserConfig case class
case class ParserConfig(ignoredGameEvents: Set[String])
Model classes also implement PrettyPrintable
and JsonSerializable
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Parsing algorithm used in this project was taken from demofile.