<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.velocity/0.4.1/jquery.velocity.min.js"></script>
Package Managers
Bower package is velocity. NPM package is velocity-animate.
Coming Soon
jQuery dependency removal and Zepto support.
- UI Pack: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/06/18/faster-ui-animations-with-velocity-js/
- Performance comparisons: http://davidwalsh.name/css-js-animation
- Performance optimizations: http://www.sitepoint.com/incredibly-fast-ui-animation-using-velocity-js/
- Workflow: http://css-tricks.com/improving-ui-animation-workflow-velocity-js
- Famo.us is a full-fledged mobile app framework built around a physics engine.
- GSAP is a fast, multi-purpose animation platform. It inspired me to pursue the development of Velocity.
- Velocity is a lightweight tool for drastically improving UI animation performance and workflow.
- 0.4.1: Fixed bug where transformOriginX/Y wouldn't set when forcefed.
- 0.3.0-0.4.0: SVG animation support. See http://VelocityJS.org/#svg.
- 0.2.1: Prevent errors from being thrown in old, partially-supported jQuery versions (1.4.0-2).
- 0.2.0: Added step easing (http://VelocityJS.org/#easing).
- 0.1.0: The
command now stops animations immediately (instead of just clearing the remainder of the animation queue). No other backwards-incompatible changes were made. See http://VelocityJS.org/#stop.
MIT License. © Julian Shapiro (http://twitter.com/shapiro).