The goal of this repository is described here: Medium Reference
This is a temporary workaround to make free space if you are using Docker with the buildkit builder.
In this repository there are two main folders:
- debug: it contains a pod manifest where you need to fill:
nodeName: # <NODE_NAME> priorityClassName: # <PRIORITY_CLASS> optional
- charts: contains an helm chart, not really customizable in the values, that create a namespace and a daemonset if
enableCleanup: true
The idea of the helm chart is that:
- your CD deploy the chart using
- you wait some time - 1 hour?
- your CD deploy the chart using
. This is going to destroy the daemonset and maintain ony the namespace.
The command in the pod is:
docker buildx prune --filter until=168h --verbose --force && echo 'buildkit cleanup done - wait to die' && sleep inf
It deletes the cache older than 7 days, and wait forever until the CI re-deploy the chart using values.yaml
$ cd charts
helm template docker-buildkit-cleaner docker-buildkit-cleaner --output-dir docker-buildkit-cleaner/candidate -f docker-buildkit-cleaner/values-enable.yaml