The PicketLink Console Project aims to provide for users a easy way to manage all PicketLink configurations using a AS 7 subsystem. Basically, it is a GWT application based on the AS7 Console's architecture and principles providing UIs to manage the PicketLink AS7 Subsystem.
For more information, see this article.
- Apache Maven 3
- JDK 1.6+
To build the console do the following:
- Execute a mvn -Pdev clean install. This will compile(GWT) only for firefox.
Make sure you have a successful build.
To run the PicketLink Console in hosted mode, follow this steps:
- Enter in the directory ${project.base.dir}/app;
- Execute a mvn -Pdev gwt:run;
- Open the Firefox and access the following URL:;
- You will be prompted to inform your credentials. This credentials are the same that you use to access the AS7 Management Console.
After the login you will be presented to the AS 7 Console Servers Overview Page. Click in Profile (at the upper right corner) and you will see in the menu tree a item called "PicketLink". Expand it and click in "Federation".
You should now be presented to the Federation Configuration page.
In order to setup and run the project using the Eclipse IDE, do the following:
- Execute a mvn eclipse:eclipse in the root directory;
- Import the project as an "Existing Maven Project";
- Click with the right-button in the project picketlink-console-application;
- Select Run As -> Web Application.