#PEditor - a simple Python editor based on wxPython#
PEditor is developed on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and can work on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux(need GTK support).
Install: 1. Install Python 2.7. (Note: For now it is not compatible with Python3) 2. Install wxPython2.9 or newer version. 3. (For Windows) Double left click the file PEditorApp.py in this directory to launch it. 4. (For Mac and Linux) Change directory to this path and using "python PEditorApp.py" to launch it.
Features: 1. Syntax highlight for Python. 2. Embedded a Python interpretor to test or debug Python routines. 3. Python indent check. 4. Folding code in margins. 5. Python keywork autocompletation.(Shift+Enter)