V1. Basic Project Setup: Establish the foundational structure for the project. V2. User Login: Enable users to log into the system. V3. Subscription to Station Alerts: Allow users to subscribe to alerts from specific stations. V4. View Subscribed Station Alerts: Users can view their subscribed alerts on their dashboard. V5. Unsubscribe from Station Alerts: Users can unsubscribe from alerts directly from their dashboard. V6. Receive Station Alerts via Twilio: Users can receive alerts on their phone through Twilio integration. V7. Subscription to Specific Line Alerts: Users can opt to receive alerts from specific lines. V8. Unsubscribe from Line Alerts: Users can cancel their subscriptions to specific line alerts. V9. Receive Line Alerts via Twilio: Users can get line alerts on their phone through Twilio. V10. Time-Specific Alerts: Users will receive alerts only within their preferred time window. V11. Historical Data of Alerts: Users may have the option to view the historical data of alerts.
This application enables users to subscribe to MTA stations or lines to receive timely service alerts.
Django Admin
Django REST Framework Auth Tokens
Frontend: Developed using React with TypeScript
Backend: Utilizes Django and Django REST Framework with Python Typing
Hosting: AWS
Authorization: Managed through Auth Tokens
Third-Party API: MTA API
For more detailed user stories, view the Kanban board.
Current Milestones (As of Jan 24th, 2024):
🛠️ V0: Basic Project Setup - Establish the foundational structure
🛠️ V1: User Login - Implement user login functionality
V2: Users Types - Create basic and admin user
V3: User Sign Up - Create basic sign up via email
V4: Station Alert Subscription - Enable station-specific alert subscriptions
V5: View Station Alerts - Users can view alerts from subscribed stations on their dashboard
V6: Unsubscribe from Station Alerts - Option to unsubscribe from station alerts via the dashboard
V7: Station Alerts via Twilio - Receive station alerts on mobile through Twilio integration
Additional Alerts
- V8: Admin User Controls - Admin user controls overs users and alerts
- V9: Line Alert Subscription - Facilitate subscriptions to specific MTA lines
- V10: Unsubscribe from Line Alerts - Feature to cancel line-specific alert subscriptions
- V11: Line Alerts via Twilio - Get line alerts on mobile through Twilio
- React with TypeScript
- Tailwind
Stretch Goals
- V12: User Login with Google - User can login with Google
- V13: Time-Specific Alerts - Receive alerts within a preferred time window
- V14: Historical Alert Data - Access to historical alert data
- Framework: Django, Django REST Framework
- Package Management: PIP
- Authentication: Django Admin, Django REST Framework Auth Tokens, CORS
- Database: PostgreSQL, Django ORM
- Testing: Pytest, Locust (Potential for performance testing)
- Environment: Virtual Env, DotEnv
- Formatting and Linting: PyLint, MyPy, Black
- Run
pylint *.py
,mypy .
, andblack .
- Run
- Typing: Python Typing
- Framework: React with TypeScript
- CSS Framework: Tailwind
- Package Management: NPM
- HTTP Client: ky
- Formatting and Linting ESLint, Prettier
- Run
npx eslint .
andnpm run prettier
- Run
- Testing: Jest
- Misc: Flexbox, AwesomeFont
- Platforms: AWS
- Services: EC2, S3, IAM, EBS
- Tools: GitHub or AWS CodeDeploy
- Awesome Django: For Django Packages
- Black, MyPy, and Pylint: Article on how to setup Black, MyPy, and Pylint for project
- Django-Docker-Quickstart: Github repo example of Django and Docker
- Vite: Vite documentation