An extrodinary localize solution for mobile platform
A tool to help you organic the localize string. And also help you communicate to translator as well!. By reading and
This script running on MacOS terminal with sheel script. Drive with Python 3.0 and Applesctipt.
- openpyxl: python library for edit Microsoft Excel file format.
- appscript: python library for running Apple Script via python.
Current this script does not have installation yet. To use it just copy this repository into your machine and run papyrus
> ./papyrus -h
./papyrus [-f|--file FILE] [-j|--jira JIRA] [--(no-)dry-run] [--(no-)silent] [-v|--version] [-h|--help] <project> <platform> <business-unit>
<project> name of project, use for export/import correct file in iCloud.
<platform> type of operation to use (ios, and/android, bu).
<business-unit> business unit to use to export/import
-f,--file file path use for import (supported "bu" platform only) (no default)
-j,--jira jira reference number for import (supported "bu" platform only) (default: "-")
--dry-run,--no-dry-run run command with no result (off by default)
--silent,--no-silent run command with no print (off by default)
-v,--version Prints version
-h,--help Prints help
bu Convert localization Numbers to .xlsx file for translators
ios Convert localization Numbers to .strings files for iOS
and/android Convert localization Numbers to .xml files for Android