#jQuery Currency
Simple, unobtrusive currency converting and formatting
To use jQuery Currency you will need the following:
- jQuery v1.5+
- PHP v4+ (if you want to use conversion)
##Example Usage
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
For more examples see the demo.
The following list outlines the settings and their defualt values:
region: 'USD', // The 3 digit ISO code you want to display your currency in
thousands: ',', // Thousands separator
decimal: '.', // Decimal separator
decimals: 2, // How many decimals to show
hidePrefix: false, // Hide any prefix
hidePostfix: false, // Hide any postfix
convertFrom: '', // If converting, the 3 digit ISO code you want to convert from,
convertLoading: '(Converting...)', // Loading message appended to values while converting
convertLocation: 'convert.php' // Location of convert.php file