A native home assistant component to control becker RF shutters with a Becker Centronic USB Stick. It uses pybecker. The becker integration currently support to
- Open a Cover
- Close a Cover
- Stop a Cover
It as well support value template if you wan to use sensors to set the current state of your cover
Copy the different sources in custom_components folder of your hass configuration directory
Once installed you can add a new cover configuration in your HA configuration
- platform: becker
friendly_name: "Kitchen Cover"
channel: "1"
friendly_name: "Bedroom Cover"
channel: "2"
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.bedroom_sensor_value') | float > 22 }}"
Note: The channel needs to be a string!
The component does not support pairing for the moment. It means that your different shuters must be already paired with your USB stick You can achieve this prior to the installation in home assistant by using pybecker with the following command Of course you have to put your shutter in pairing mode before. This is generally done by holding the programming button of your sender until you hear a "clac" noise
pybecker -a PAIR -c <CHANNEL_ID>
- Find a solution to pair new shutters from HA (if you have ideas you are welcome)
This integration was developed for my home integration. Even if I tried to make it as generic as possible, it could be that you have to adapt it a bit for your own integration.