This project was generated with angular-cli version 1.0.0-beta.28.3.
This project uses the MEAN stack.
Your need to export a few environement variables.
Here are the variables and the the places you can find them :
Spin up a free instance on mongolab and create a db user. The uri will look like this :
mongodb://dbuser:[email protected]:43559/db-name
Simply log on this website to get your api key.
These 3 values can be found using this website
(only take the large number at the end)
export all of these with the command export VAR=value
note: to retreive your matches your steam/dota2 profile needs to be public.
In the root folder run theses command : npm install; npm run build;
The app should be served at http://localhost:3000/
(to serve the app on a different port export PORT=XXXX;
MEAN App with Angular 2 and the Angular CLI