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jordanmontt committed Sep 4, 2023
1 parent 4faf840 commit 50c6fc9
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Showing 2 changed files with 50 additions and 107 deletions.
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions src/AI-KMeans-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,17 +26,6 @@ AIKMeansTest >> testAssignClusterToPoints [
self assertCollection: kMeans clusters hasSameElements: #( 1 2 3 )

{ #category : #tests }
AIKMeansTest >> testCalculateAverage [

| expected points |
kMeans numberOfClusters: 2.
points := #( #( 1 2 3 ) #( 0 1 1 ) #( 0.5 1 0.5 ) #( 0.5 0.5 0.5 ) ).
expected := #( 0.5 1.125 1.25 ).

self assert: (kMeans calculateAverage: points) equals: expected

{ #category : #tests }
AIKMeansTest >> testEmptyDataset [

Expand Down
146 changes: 50 additions & 96 deletions src/AI-KMeans/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,28 +43,10 @@ AIKMeans class >> numberOfClusters: anInteger [

{ #category : #training }
AIKMeans >> assignClusterToPoints: aCollectionOfPoints [
"Assign clusters to each point. We choose the cluster whose centroid minimizes has the
shortest distance to the point"

"Assign clusters to each point. We choose the cluster whose centroid minimizes has the shortest distance to the point"
"Do not rewrite the code. It is like that for performance."

clusters := Array new: aCollectionOfPoints size.

1 to: aCollectionOfPoints size do: [ :i |
| point minIndex |
point := aCollectionOfPoints at: i.
minIndex := self clusterNearestToPoint: point.
clusters at: i put: minIndex ]

{ #category : #training }
AIKMeans >> calculateAverage: pointsOfThisCentroid [

"This is the same as doing `pointsOfThisCentroid average`.
But written this way is faster"

^ (1 to: pointsOfThisCentroid first size) collect: [ :i |
((pointsOfThisCentroid sum: [ :e | e at: i ])
/ pointsOfThisCentroid size) asFloat ]
clusters := aCollectionOfPoints collect: [ :aPoint | self nearestCentroidToPoint: aPoint ]

{ #category : #accessing }
Expand All @@ -83,36 +65,17 @@ AIKMeans >> centroids: aCollectionOfPoints [
AIKMeans >> chooseRandomCentroid: aCollectionOfPoints [

"Choose a random point as centroids"
"The code is like that for performance. Do not rewrite it"

| min max pointDimension centroid |
pointDimension := aCollectionOfPoints anyOne size.
centroid := Array new: pointDimension.
pointDimension := aCollectionOfPoints first size.
centroid := OrderedCollection new.

1 to: pointDimension do: [ :i |
max := aCollectionOfPoints max: [ :arr | arr at: i ].
min := aCollectionOfPoints min: [ :arr | arr at: i ].
centroid at: i put: (rand nextBetween: min and: max) ].
max := aCollectionOfPoints max: [ :point | point at: i ].
min := aCollectionOfPoints min: [ :point | point at: i ].
centroid add: (rand nextBetween: min and: max) ].

^ centroid

{ #category : #training }
AIKMeans >> clusterNearestToPoint: aPoint [

| min minIndex |
minIndex := 1.
min := self distanceBetween: aPoint and: (centroids at: 1).

2 to: centroids size do: [ :j |
| centroid distance |
centroid := centroids at: j.
distance := self distanceBetween: aPoint and: centroid.
distance < min ifTrue: [
min := distance.
minIndex := j ] ].

^ minIndex
^ centroid asArray

{ #category : #accessing }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,10 +105,8 @@ AIKMeans >> fit: aCollectionOfPoints [
{ #category : #testing }
AIKMeans >> hasConverged [

with: previousCentroids
do: [ :current :previous |
((self distanceBetween: current and: previous) closeTo: 0) ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ].
centroids with: previousCentroids do: [ :current :previous |
((self distanceBetween: current and: previous) closeTo: 0) ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ].

^ true
Expand All @@ -160,7 +121,11 @@ AIKMeans >> hasReachedMaxIterations [
AIKMeans >> initialize [

super initialize.
self initializeEmptyModel.

clusters := OrderedCollection new.
centroids := OrderedCollection new.
previousCentroids := OrderedCollection new.
performedIterations := 0.

rand := Random new.
euclideanDistance := AIEuclideanDistance new.
Expand All @@ -184,31 +149,12 @@ AIKMeans >> initializeCentroidsKMeansPlusPlus: points [

[ centroids size < numberOfClusters ] whileTrue: [
| distances pointWithMaxDistance |
distances := Array new: points size.

points doWithIndex: [ :aPoint :aPointIndex |
| minDistance |
minDistance := Float infinity.

centroids do: [ :aCentroid |
| distance |
distance := self distanceBetween: aPoint and: aCentroid.
minDistance := minDistance min: distance ].

distances at: aPointIndex put: minDistance ].

distances := points collect: [ :aPoint |
centroids min: [ :aCentroid | self distanceBetween: aPoint and: aCentroid ] ].
pointWithMaxDistance := points at: distances argmax.
centroids add: pointWithMaxDistance ]

{ #category : #initialization }
AIKMeans >> initializeEmptyModel [

clusters := OrderedCollection new.
centroids := OrderedCollection new.
performedIterations := 0

{ #category : #initialization }
AIKMeans >> initializeRandomCentroids: aCollectionOfPoints [

Expand All @@ -222,6 +168,23 @@ AIKMeans >> maxIterations: anInteger [
maxIterations := anInteger

{ #category : #training }
AIKMeans >> nearestCentroidToPoint: aPoint [

| minDistance nearestCentroidIndex |
minDistance := self distanceBetween: aPoint and: (centroids first).
nearestCentroidIndex := 1.

centroids doWithIndex: [ :centroid :i |
| distance |
distance := self distanceBetween: aPoint and: centroid.
distance < minDistance ifTrue: [
minDistance := distance.
nearestCentroidIndex := i ] ].

^ nearestCentroidIndex

{ #category : #'api - configuration' }
AIKMeans >> numberOfClusters: anObject [

Expand All @@ -234,56 +197,47 @@ AIKMeans >> predict: aCollectionOfPoints [
| predictions |
predictions := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: aCollectionOfPoints size do: [ :index |
predictions add: (self clusterNearestToPoint: (aCollectionOfPoints at: index)) ].
predictions add: (self nearestCentroidToPoint: (aCollectionOfPoints at: index)) ].
^ predictions

{ #category : #training }
AIKMeans >> run: aCollectionOfPoints [

| score |
self initializeEmptyModel.

performedIterations := 0.
bestCentroids := OrderedCollection new.
bestScore := Float infinity.
"Initialize the centrois using the k-means++ algorithm"
self initializeCentroidsKMeansPlusPlus: aCollectionOfPoints.

"We must run it at least twice"
2 timesRepeat: [ self step: aCollectionOfPoints ].
[ self hasConverged or: [ self hasReachedMaxIterations ] ] whileFalse: [ self step: aCollectionOfPoints ].
self assignClusterToPoints: aCollectionOfPoints.
self updateCentroids: aCollectionOfPoints.
performedIterations := performedIterations + 1 ]
doWhileFalse: [ self hasConverged or: [ self hasReachedMaxIterations ] ].

"The best centroid points are the ones that minimize the score.
The score is the sum of the mean square errors of the points and its cluster."
score := self score: aCollectionOfPoints.
bestScore ifNil: [ bestScore := score ].
bestCentroids ifNil: [ bestCentroids := centroids copy ].

bestScore > score ifTrue: [
bestCentroids := centroids copy.

bestScore > score ifTrue: [
bestCentroids := centroids.
bestScore := score ]

{ #category : #'api - evaluation' }
AIKMeans >> score: aCollectionOfPoints [
"The score is the sum of the mean square errors of the points and its cluster."

| point centroid distances |
distances := (1 to: aCollectionOfPoints size) collect: [ :index |
distances := (1 to: aCollectionOfPoints size) collect: [ :index |
point := aCollectionOfPoints at: index.
centroid := centroids at: (clusters at: index).

self distanceBetween: point and: centroid ].

^ distances sum

{ #category : #training }
AIKMeans >> step: aCollectionOfPoints [

self assignClusterToPoints: aCollectionOfPoints.
self updateCentroids: aCollectionOfPoints.

performedIterations := performedIterations + 1

{ #category : #'api - configuration' }
AIKMeans >> timesToRun: anInteger [

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,5 +267,5 @@ AIKMeans >> updateCentroids: aCollectionOfPoints [

pointsOfThisCentroid isEmpty
ifTrue: [ self chooseRandomCentroid: aCollectionOfPoints ]
ifFalse: [ self calculateAverage: pointsOfThisCentroid ] ]
ifFalse: [ pointsOfThisCentroid average ] ]

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