![Alt text] (https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0efaf2_ecdadcb1b3b64bea98d60bfc8b87cb53.png/v1/fill/w_51,h_50,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/0efaf2_ecdadcb1b3b64bea98d60bfc8b87cb53.png "RacePadServer") from
Playing games on your computer is an excellent way to entertain yourself in your free time, but sometimes not having certain hardware components, such as controllers, can be frustrating.
However, nowadays there is a wide variety of software solutions that can help you achieve similar results through emulation. One of the utilities mentioned above is RacePadServer.
Please note that you need a wireless adapter, a Bluetooth adapter and a supported mobile phone with RacePad installed so that you can use this application's abilities to their full extent.
Setting up this program on your computer can be achieved without significant efforts since no complicated configuration is required on your part.
You just need to decide whether desktop shortcut icons should be created or not, since the installer performs all the other steps, such as choosing the destination path, automatically.
RacePadServer comes with a sleek, user-friendly interface and integrates a handful of straightforward functions. However, despite its accessibility, you need to have medium to advanced PC skills and a good understanding of certain networking concepts in order to benefit from this tool's capabilities.
Additionally, if you encounter any difficulties while operating its controls, you can turn to the built-in Help section that can provide you with handy information.
This application can help you use your phone as a gamepad in a quick, convenient manner. Connecting your handheld device to the computer can be accomplished in two different ways: via Bluetooth, or via WiFi, depending on your preferences.
After your device is connected, you can start creating profiles on your PC for every game you want to use the controller with. Doing so requires specifying a name and the game path, so you can launch the game directly from your phone.
Gamepad emulator server that supports wireless and Bluetooth connections
As a conclusion, RacePadServer is a lightweight application that can help you turn your phone into a gamepad in a quick, convenient manner. It supports both wireless and Bluetooth connections, packs a simple, user-friendly interface and features a handful of straightforward controls.
To work this app please install RacePadServer v2.1 in your Windows http://bitsblender.wix.com/racepad#!downloads/cw6p
- support of accelerometer to experience best game play of Racing games
- provided with all basic buttons of windows to navigate through windows
- remotely saving game profiles from PC
- touchpad mouse is provided to navigate on windows screen
- sharing PC internet with Android
This App is used as a gamepad/joystick for Windows PC games or Windows 8 games with your Android Mobile/Tablet using Bluetooth or WiFi wireless connection.This application provides you to save keyboard button mappings and send its corresponding virtual code to simulate/mimic the keyboard clicks and also provides to use your mobiles Accelerometer to steer in game which will give you best racing game experience and you can also save your game profiles remotely in from your server application and save your button mappings from keyboard . This provides all basic keyboard buttons / shortcuts which will allow you to operate your PC remotely in your Bluetooth or WiFi range.