An easy way to run a noVNC instance and proxy with a single binary.
- Clean start page.
- CIDR whitelist/blacklist.
- Optionally allow connections to arbitrary hosts (and ports).
- Ensures the target port is a VNC server to prevent tunneling to unauthorized ports.
- Can be configured using environment variables or command line flags (but works out-of-the box).
- IPv6 support.
- Single binary, no dependencies.
- Easy setup.
- Optional client for local TCP connections tunneled through WebSockets.
- Binaries for the latest commit can be downloaded here.
- It can also be deployed to Heroku.
- A Docker image is available: geek1011/easy-novnc:latest.
- You can build your own binaries with go 1.13 or newer using
go get
or by cloning this repo and runninggo build
Usage: easy-novnc [options]
-a, --addr string The address to listen on (env NOVNC_ADDR) (default ":8080")
-H, --arbitrary-hosts Allow connection to other hosts (env NOVNC_ARBITRARY_HOSTS)
-P, --arbitrary-ports Allow connections to arbitrary ports (requires arbitrary-hosts) (env NOVNC_ARBITRARY_PORTS)
-u, --basic-ui Hide connection options from the main screen (env NOVNC_BASIC_UI)
-C, --cidr-blacklist strings CIDR blacklist for when arbitrary hosts are enabled (comma separated) (conflicts with whitelist) (env NOVNC_CIDR_BLACKLIST)
-c, --cidr-whitelist strings CIDR whitelist for when arbitrary hosts are enabled (comma separated) (conflicts with blacklist) (env NOVNC_CIDR_WHITELIST)
--default-view-only Use view-only by default (env NOVNC_DEFAULT_VIEW_ONLY)
--help Show this help text
-h, --host string The host/ip to connect to by default (env NOVNC_HOST) (default "localhost")
--no-url-password Do not allow password in URL params (env NOVNC_NO_URL_PASSWORD)
-p, --port uint16 The port to connect to by default (env NOVNC_PORT) (default 5900)
-v, --verbose Show extra log info (env NOVNC_VERBOSE)