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iantaylor-NOAA committed Dec 10, 2024
2 parents 5143324 + 1fa833b commit 5e5099d
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Showing 15 changed files with 132,513 additions and 529 deletions.
935 changes: 467 additions & 468 deletions Data/Raw_not_confidential/RecFIN_WA_catch_to_2023.csv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

131,836 changes: 131,836 additions & 0 deletions Data/Raw_not_confidential/WA_URCK_UPOP_recon_1981-2016.csv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions Rscripts/make_yt_index.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@

## Example: yellowtail rockfish

# Packages

# Read in indexwc configuration for latitude / depth truncation
url <- ""
config <- read.csv(url)
config <- dplyr::filter(config, species == "yellowtail rockfish")

# Pull the data in from warehouse with nwfscSurvey
# Note: this creates identical datafiles to the indexwc package BUT
# we can't use that package because of the region*year models we use below
catch <- pull_catch(survey = "NWFSC.Combo", common_name = "yellowtail rockfish")
filtered_catch <- dplyr::filter(catch,
Depth_m >= -config$min_depth,
Depth_m <= -config$max_depth,
Latitude_dd >= config$min_latitude,
Latitude_dd <= config$max_latitude) |>
dplyr::rename(latitude = Latitude_dd,
longitude = Longitude_dd,
catch_weight = total_catch_wt_kg,
effort = Area_swept_ha,
year = Year)

# Load the data
data_truncated <- readRDS("yt_data_filtered.rds")
data_truncated$region <- ifelse(data_truncated$latitude > 40.1666667, "N", "S")
data_truncated$region <- as.factor(data_truncated$region)
data_truncated$fyear <- as.factor(data_truncated$year)
data_truncated$pass_scaled <- c(-0.5,0.5)[data_truncated$Pass]

models <- expand.grid(knots = c(400),
anisotropy = c(TRUE),
spatiotemporal1 = c("iid"), spatiotemporal2 = c("off"),
family = c("sdmTMB::delta_gamma()"))
models$converged <- NA

# create presence-absence variable
data_truncated$present <- ifelse(data_truncated$catch_weight > 0, 1, 0)
# switch to one hot encoding
model_mat <- model.matrix(catch_weight ~ -1 + fyear*region + pass_scaled, data = data_truncated)
# delete the 2007:S interaction, as there's no values > 0
# also drop 2003:S because this is absorbed in the intercept
model_mat <- dplyr::select(, -"fyear2007:regionS")
covariate_formula <- as.formula(paste("present ~", paste(colnames(model_mat), collapse = " + ")))
# join in model_mat
data_truncated <- cbind(data_truncated, model_mat)
data_truncated <- data_truncated[,-which(names(data_truncated)=="pass_scaled")[1]]
# Create list of variables models
vars <- c(paste0("fyear", c(2004:2006, 2008:2019, 2021:2023), ":regionS"), "pass_scaled", "region", "fyear", "-1")
covariate_formula <- as.formula(paste("present ~", paste(vars, collapse = " + ")))

# Make the mesh -- using 400 knots (above)
data_truncated <- add_utm_columns(data_truncated, ll_names = c("longitude","latitude")) |>
dplyr::rename(x = X, y = Y) # for consistency with indexwc
mesh <- make_mesh(data_truncated, xy_cols = c("x","y"),
n_knots = models$knots)

# Run model
fit <- sdmTMB(
formula = covariate_formula,
time = "year",
data = data_truncated,
spatial = "on",
offset = log(data_truncated$effort),
spatiotemporal = list(models$spatiotemporal1, models$spatiotemporal2),
mesh = mesh,
anisotropy = models$anisotropy,
share_range = FALSE, # indexwc setting
family = delta_gamma(),
control = sdmTMB::sdmTMBcontrol(newton_loops = 2, nlminb_loops = 2)

# Passes checks all ok

# Index construction -- first extract the grid from 'indexwc' so we're using
# exactly the same as other assessments / indexwc
grid <- readRDS("prediction_grid_from_indexwc.rds")

grid <- replicate_df(grid,
time_name = "year",
time_values = sort(unique(data_truncated$year)))
grid$region <- "N"
# replicate the S grid in case we'd want an index for that too
grid_S <- grid
grid_S$region <- "S"
grid <- rbind(grid, grid_S)
grid$fyear <- as.factor(grid$year)

# Now make predictions with sdmTMB
# need to add one hot encoding to this grid too
model_mat <- model.matrix(y ~ -1 + fyear*region, data = grid)
model_mat <- dplyr::select(, -"fyear2007:regionS")
grid <- cbind(grid, model_mat) |>
dplyr::filter(region == "N")

pred <- predict(fit, newdata = grid, return_tmb_object = TRUE)
yt_index <- get_index(pred, bias_correct = TRUE)
saveRDS(yt_index, "yt_index.rds")

Binary file added Rscripts/prediction_grid_from_indexwc.rds
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Rscripts/yt_index.rds
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added YT_STAR_Panel_Report_Final_July10-14_2017.pdf
Binary file not shown.
68 changes: 50 additions & 18 deletions docs/data_summary_doc.qmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ This documents data streams for use in the Northern Yellowtail Rockfish stock as
Some summary figures:

```{r pacfin-catch, cache=TRUE}
# I have checked and LANDING_YEAR = PACFIN_YEAR for all rows.
yt_n_catch_pacfin <- catch.pacfin |>
Expand All @@ -40,16 +40,25 @@ or_comm_catch <- read.csv(here("Data/Confidential/commercial/Oregon Commercial l
group_by(YEAR) |>
summarise(catch_mt = sum(TOTAL))
# WA URCK/UPOP reconstruction
wa_urck <- read.csv(here('Data/Raw_not_confidential/WA_URCK_UPOP_recon_1981-2016.csv')) |>
filter(Species_AfterComps %in% c('YTRK', 'YTR1')) |>
group_by(Year) |>
summarise(catch_mt = sum(RoundPounds_AfterComps) * 0.453592 / 1000) |>
mutate(AGENCY_CODE = 'W',
model = 'URCK/UPOP')
# Put it all together
comm_draft_landings <- yt_n_catch_pacfin |>
filter(AGENCY_CODE != 'O') |>
summarise(catch_mt = sum(LANDED_WEIGHT_MTONS)) |>
summarise(catch_mt = sum(ROUND_WEIGHT_MTONS)) |>
rename(YEAR = PACFIN_YEAR) |>
mutate(or_comm_catch, AGENCY_CODE = 'O')
group_by(YEAR, AGENCY_CODE) |>
summarise(landings_mt = sum(catch_mt)) |>
summarise(catch_mt = sum(catch_mt)) |>
filter(YEAR >= 1981)
# 2017 assessment landings
Expand All @@ -60,22 +69,22 @@ comm2017 <- read.csv(here("Data/Raw_not_confidential/commercial_catch_2017.csv")
W = as.numeric(stringr::str_remove(WA, ','))) |>
select(Year, W, C = CA.North..MT., O) |>
filter(Year >= 1981) |>
tidyr::pivot_longer(-Year, names_to = 'AGENCY_CODE', values_to = 'landings_mt') |>
tidyr::pivot_longer(-Year, names_to = 'AGENCY_CODE', values_to = 'catch_mt') |>
mutate(model = '2017')
# landings by state
comm_draft_landings |>
ggplot() +
geom_col(aes(x = YEAR, y = landings_mt, fill = AGENCY_CODE)) +
geom_col(aes(x = YEAR, y = catch_mt, fill = AGENCY_CODE)) +
ggtitle('Commercial landings through 2023 by state') +
viridis::scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE)
# landings by gear type
yt_n_catch_pacfin |>
summarise(landings_mt = sum(LANDED_WEIGHT_MTONS)) |>
summarise(catch_mt = sum(ROUND_WEIGHT_MTONS)) |>
ggplot() +
geom_col(aes(x = LANDING_YEAR, y = landings_mt, fill = factor(PACFIN_GROUP_GEAR_CODE, levels = c('TWL', 'MSC', 'NET', 'POT', 'TLS', 'TWS', 'HKL')))) +
geom_col(aes(x = LANDING_YEAR, y = catch_mt, fill = factor(PACFIN_GROUP_GEAR_CODE, levels = c('TWL', 'MSC', 'NET', 'POT', 'TLS', 'TWS', 'HKL')))) +
ggtitle('Commercial landings through 2023 by gear') +
labs(fill = 'PacFIN gear group', x = 'YEAR') +
viridis::scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE)
Expand All @@ -84,7 +93,7 @@ yt_n_catch_pacfin |>
yt_n_catch_pacfin |>
mutate(geargroup2 = ifelse(PACFIN_GEAR_CODE == "MDT", yes = "MDT", no = PACFIN_GROUP_GEAR_CODE)) |> # split midwater trawl as MDT
group_by(geargroup2, LANDING_YEAR) |>
summarise(catch_mt = sum(LANDED_WEIGHT_MTONS)) |>
summarise(catch_mt = sum(ROUND_WEIGHT_MTONS)) |>
ggplot() +
geom_col(aes(x = LANDING_YEAR, y = catch_mt, fill = factor(geargroup2, levels = c("TWL", "MDT", "MSC", "NET", "POT", "TLS", "TWS", "HKL")))) +
ggtitle("Commercial landings through 2023 by gear with midwater trawl separated") +
Expand All @@ -97,10 +106,26 @@ comm_draft_landings |>
mutate(model = 'current') |>
bind_rows(comm2017) |>
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = Year, y = landings_mt, col = AGENCY_CODE, linetype = model), linewidth = 1) +
geom_line(aes(x = Year, y = catch_mt, col = AGENCY_CODE, linetype = model), linewidth = 1) +
viridis::scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE) +
labs(title = 'Comparing commercial landings in 2017 model vs current', x = 'YEAR')
# compare 2017 landings to current landings, WA only
comm_draft_landings |>
rename(Year = YEAR) |>
mutate(model = 'PacFIN') |>
filter(AGENCY_CODE == 'W') |>
filter(comm2017, AGENCY_CODE == 'W')
bind_rows(wa_urck) |>
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = Year, y = catch_mt, col = model), linewidth = 1) +
viridis::scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE) +
labs(title = 'Possible sources for WA landings (vert. line = 1994)', x = 'YEAR') +
geom_vline(xintercept = 1994)
URCK/UPOP = sum of RoundPounds_AfterComps for Species_AfterComps = YTR1 or YTRK, converted to mt.

Table of commercial landings by state, 1981 onward.

Expand All @@ -110,7 +135,7 @@ comm_draft_landings |>
AGENCY_CODE == 'O' ~ 'OR',
AGENCY_CODE == 'W' ~ 'WA')) |>
select(-AGENCY_CODE) |>
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = State, values_from = landings_mt) |>
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = State, values_from = catch_mt) |>
knitr::kable(align = 'l', digits = 1)

Expand All @@ -136,13 +161,14 @@ ashop_catch |>
wa_modern <- read.csv(here('Data/Raw_not_confidential/RecFIN_WA_catch_to_2023.csv')) |>
filter(RECFIN_WATER_AREA_NAME != 'Canada', RECFIN_YEAR <= 2023) |>
tibble::as_tibble() |>
group_by(RECFIN_YEAR) |>
tibble::as_tibble() |>
group_by(RECFIN_YEAR) |>
summarise(Dead_Catch = sum(SUM_TOTAL_MORTALITY_MT)) |>
mutate(State = 'WA (mt)')
wa_historical <- read.csv(here('Data/Raw_not_confidential/WA_historical_rec.csv')) |>
tibble::as_tibble() |>
filter(AREA %in% 1:4) |> # these are marine areas, per T. Tsou on 12/10/24 in meeting notes
group_by(RECFIN_YEAR) |>
summarise(Dead_Catch = sum(RETAINED_NUM)) |>
mutate(State = 'WA (numbers)')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,9 +235,10 @@ crfs_ratios <- read.csv(here('Data/Raw_not_confidential/RecFIN_CA_catch_to_2023.
filter(grepl('Redwood', DISTRICT_NAME))
# This is pre-filtered to N. CA MRFSS only
ca_mrfss_catch <- read.csv(here('Data/Confidential/Rec/RecFIN_CA_MRFSS.csv')) |>
ca_mrfss_catch <- read.csv(here('Data/Confidential/Rec/RecFIN_CA_MRFSS.csv')) |>
arrange(desc(WGT_AB1)) |>
group_by(YEAR) |>
summarise(n_ca_catch_mt = sum(WGT_AB1, na.rm = TRUE)/1000) |>
summarise(n_ca_catch_mt = sum(WGT_AB1, na.rm = TRUE)/1000) |>
# for MRFSS phase 2, calculate ratio above 40-10 by weighted average of Albin and CRFS ratios
# weights are the inverse of time to last Albin year, first CRFS year
mutate(weighted_ratio = (albin$pct / (YEAR - 1986) + crfs_ratios$pct / (2005 - YEAR)) / (1/(YEAR - 1986) + 1/(2005 - YEAR)),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,8 +269,8 @@ bind_rows(or_rec_catch, wa_modern, wa_historical, ca_modern, ca_mrfss_catch, ca_
#### Outstanding issues for WA:

1. There are three values for `RECFIN_WATER_AREA_NAME`: Estuary, Ocean, and Canada. Which should be included? Above table excludes Canada.
2. 2023 has a number of instances where `RECFIN_WEEK` is zero, and one instance where is it missing. In the instance where it is missing, there is no estimate of catch in mt.
3. Will likely convert the numbers in the historical sport landings to weight in mt. On the to do list.
2. 2023 has a number of instances where `RECFIN_WEEK` is zero, ~~and one instance where is it missing. In the instance where it is missing, there is no estimate of catch in mt.~~ Is `RECFIN_WEEK` of zero any cause for concern?
3. Will likely convert the numbers in the historical sport landings to weight in mt. Waiting for rec biodata before this is possible. Will then linearly interpolate between 1967 and 1975.

#### Method for CA MRFSS catches:

Expand All @@ -262,7 +289,7 @@ For CA rec catch estimates for the assessment:
- 1993-2004: Multiply total N. CA catch by weighted average of Albin ratio (1) and CRFS ratio. Weights are inverse of time to last Albin year or first CRFS year.
- 1990-1992: Interpolate between average of 1987-1989 and 1993-1995

**Concern**: Catches for 1980-1989 look somewhat high. They exceed rec catches in OR in 1982 and 1983.
**Concern**: Catches for 1980-1989 look somewhat high. They exceed rec catches in OR in 1982 and 1983. 1982, in particular, has much higher MRFSS catches in N. CA than any other year.

## Comp Data

Expand All @@ -271,7 +298,7 @@ For CA rec catch estimates for the assessment:
Initial length sample sizes after running `PacFIN.Utilities::cleanPacFIN()`:

```{r comm-bio, cache=TRUE}
bds_clean <- PacFIN.Utilities::cleanPacFIN(bds.pacfin, verbose = FALSE)
bds_clean |>
filter(state == 'WA' | state == 'OR' | PACFIN_GROUP_PORT_CODE == 'CCA' |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,6 +504,11 @@ yt_survey_bio <- nwfscSurvey::pull_bio(common_name = 'yellowtail rockfish', surv
yt_n_survey_bio <- filter(yt_survey_bio, Latitude_dd > 40 + 1/6)
yt_tri_bio <- yt_survey_bio <- nwfscSurvey::pull_bio(common_name = 'yellowtail rockfish', survey = 'Triennial')
yt_n_tri_bio <- purrr::map(yt_tri_bio, \(dat) filter(dat, Latitude_dd > 40 + 1/6))
# looking at how growth varies over space and time
# clear break point in selectivity between age 5 and 6.
filter(yt_n_survey_bio, Age_years <= 20, Age_years >= 6) |>
Expand Down
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