STIndexing source code github ->
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/STIndexing-jar-with-dependencies.jar -DgroupId=di.thesis -DartifactId=stindexing -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
Java 1.8 Scala 2.11.8 must be install in Hive (scala-library jar @ $HIVE_HOME/lib/)
Hive SpatioTemporal UDFs
Define auxiliary jars directory or add jar @ $HIVE_HOME/lib/
Function List:
-StartPoint(trajectory) //returns first point of trajectory
-EndPoint(trajectory) //returns last point of trajectory
-TrajLength(trajectory, 'Euclidean') //returns trajectory length based on distance function (Havershine, Euclidean, Manhattan)
-Trajectory2Linestring(trajectory) //returns trajectory as linestring (spatial only) (for intergration with GIS tools for visualization)
-TrajDuration(trajectory) //return trajectory duration in seconds
-ST_Intersects3D (trajectory || STmbb, trajectory || STmbb, tolerance variables) // input trajectory and mbb or mbb and mbb, returns true if objects spatiotemporal intersects
//tolerance variables used to extent mbb
-MbbConstructor(trajectory || Spatiotemporal elements*) // returns Spatiotemporal MBB
-TrajBoxDist(trajectory, STmbb) //returns spatial distance between trajectory and mbb based on MinDist function
-DTW(trajectory, trajectory, w(algorithm parameter), distance_function, parameters for spatiotemporal tolerance) // distance between trajectories based on DTW algorithm
-LCSS(trajectory, trajectory, parameters for spatiotemporal tolerance) // distance between trajectories based on LCSS algorithm
-ST_IndexIntersects(STmbb, tree, tolerance variables) // returns id for trajectories that intersects with query=STmbb
-IndexTrajKNN(trajectory, tree, mindist_threshold, temproal tolerance) // returns id for possible knn trajectories with query=trajectory