- use the command >>nproc<< to check your number of cpu threads
- to be on the safe side use like 2-4 threads less for compiling
- now edit your makepkg.conf
- sudo nano /etc/makepkg.conf
- edit it to the desired # of threads e.g. MAKEFLAGS="-j10(nproc)"
gpg --recv-keys 893e8e9432898e
What it is
Most packages available in this repo are automatically built from their respective AUR source package. However, there are a few exceptions, check out the packages repo to find out which ones. The primary building cluster is a node in UFSCar's datacenter which is hosted in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil.
to install, follow the instructions on the website
uncheck "Allow only 1 copy of DC at a time" in Configuration >Options >Behavior
- Open /usr/share/applications/doublecmd.desktop
- Save as /usr/share/applications/root-doublecmd.desktop
- Change the contents as follows:
Name=Double Commander Root
Exec=sudo doublecmd
sudo nano /etc/sudoers and add the following line
yourusername ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/doublecmd
add the created root-doublecmd.desktop to the desktop/taskbar to use it as a launcher