here is me, managing my dotfiles and sharing them with random people on the internet. these are what i use:
- stow for managing this
- xinit for starting X sessions
- dwm as window manager with dmenu as launcher
- st as terminal emulator
- firefox as web browser
- dunst for displaying notifications
- picom as compositor
- tmux as terminal multiplexer with tmux plugin manager (tpm)
- fish as shell with hydro prompt.
- neovim as text editor and IDE
- exa as ls replacement
- bat as fancy cat replacement
- z for quickly navigating around in shell
- copyq for clipboard management
- feh for viewing images and setting wallpaper
- catgirl as IRC client
- farge when I need rgb color code of something on screen
- scrot && with ImageMagick's import for screenshots
- spicetify for modding Spotify
Victor Mono is my font of choice. white on black is my goto colorscheme. and i rarely update this readme so it may not be correct.
- install stow if you don't have it.
- clone this repository to your home directory.
- cd inside ~/dotfiles.
- use
stow [foldername]
to install a config. this will symlink files to their respective locations.