The current working source for pentaho-scheduler-plugin is contained in the "scheduler-plugin" branch. There is currently a pipeline for this branch that will build all the code
To build the project, from the root folder, execute:
To build the project locally you check-out the following project. Since the pipeline that builds the "pentaho-scheduler" branches doesn't save to artifactory you need to build these in order to have the artifacts in you local m2 repository.
NOTE: You should be using the "scheduler-plugin" branch for all of these projects. pentaho-commons-gwt-modules pentaho-platform pentaho-scheduler-plugin
In the pentaho-platform/assemblies/pentaho-solution/pom.xml comment out the following entry
Build each of the above projects using *mvn clean install -DskipTests
To deploy the plugin:
- Download the Pentaho Platforn from the following location:
- Unzip the assembly of the pentaho-scheduler-plugin it should create a directory called "pentaho-scheduler"
- Expand and drop the scheduler-plugin directory in pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system.
- To test, open a browser and go to "http://localhost:8080/pentaho/plugin/scheduler-plugin/api/scheduler/getJobs" You should get an empty jobs XML tag.
- Browse to content and exercise the scheduler. Go to the scheduler perspective and exercise the scheduler.
At this point the server and schedules should behave as normal.