#Little Turtles Childcare Finder
COMING SOON: Deployed app on Heroku
Technology Stack: Python, Flask, SQLite3, SQLAlchemy, Jinja, Javascript, Jquery, Ajax, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
This is my final project for Hackbright Academy and was a solo project built over a four week period using Python and Flask.
Objective: The purpose of this daycare finder app is to help parents research and choose daycares that meet their individual needs.
- user can filter search by location, schedule, etc
- user signup and login
- editable worksheet to help parents record and track their daycare search progress
- parents can endorse daycares
- individual daycare profiles with carousel of images
- daycare owners can create and manage their own business profile
Data Model: (model.py)
I used SQLite3 and SQLAlchemy to create a database with 8 tables. Relationships are key to my data so I selected these technologies to create a relational database. The arrows in the image below indicate how the data tables connect, dual arrows between two tables are intended to illustrate a many-to-many relationship.
####Page Views (12 unique views):
#####Public page view flow (user not logged in)
#####Parent page view flow (parent logged into site)
#####Daycare owner page view flow (owner logged into business profile)
###Sample Pages:
Tech Note: I used a Jquery library called Jeditable to enable the user to make in-place edits to either their worksheet (parents), or their profile page (daycare owners). This feature required AJAX and Javascript to complete the functionality.