Bonk, son of Gunk, cousin of Plonk. Yet another toy language I started working on, mainly to play with Hindley-Milner type inference. Bonk is a functional language with the goal of having very few abstractions while still being somewhat usable. It can be interpreted or compiled to JavaScript.
- Basic expressions. IE.
, function application and abstraction, arithmetic. - Algebraic datatypes: Tuples and user-defined discriminated unions.
- Full type inference. Types of expressions can be inferred without any type annotations.
- ML-style match expressions with exhaustiveness checking.
- Pattern matching both in
constructs, as well as in inputs to lambdas. - Parametric polymorphism. Functions can be generic.
- A working interpreter/REPL that also provides type information.
- A JavaScript backend.
- JavaScript interop via raw-JavaScript expression blocks.
- Recursion (including mutual recursion) is supported, with tail call optimization.
- Purity analysis. All functions which have side effects must be annotated as impure.
- A very work-in-progress implementation of typeclasses for ad-hoc polymorphism.
- List literals as syntax sugar for
-lists. - Pipeline operators for function application:
. - Import statements to work with programs spanning multiple files.
- An automatic memoization keyword for pure functions.
- A tiny standard library (see
I solved quite a few problems from Advent of Code 2022 using bonk, view the solutions here.
I've also implemented a few common persistent data structures including heaps, stacks, queues, and AA trees (similar to red-black trees).
Other than that, the following program typechecks and runs. Syntax subject to change.
// Bonk ships with a small standard library.
// Let's use it to calculate the sum of the 20 first square numbers which are even:
let total =
let first20 = iota 20 in
let squares = map ([x] x * x) first20 in
let evens = filter ([x] x % 2 = 0) squares in
fold (+) 0 evens
// We can do the same thing more succintly with the pipeline operator.
// Bonk supports shadowing, so we can shadow the previous binding:
let total =
iota 20
|> map ([x] x * x)
|> filter ([x] x % 2 = 0)
|> fold (+) 0
// Bonk supports sum types:
sum MyList<'a> =
| MyNil
| MyCons 'a * MyList<'a>
// ... and recursive functions, which go well together:
rec makeList = [n]
if n < 0 then MyNil
else MyCons (n, makeList (n - 1))
rec sumList = [lst]
match lst with
| MyNil -> 0
| MyCons (x, xs) -> x + sumList xs
// Let's print out some results:
let total2 = sumList (makeList 10) in
let _ = printfn total in
let _ = printfn total2 in
Check the examples folder for more examples.
To build, you need dotnet core installed. Then run:
git clone
cd bonk
git submodule update --init --recursive
dotnet run
To run tests, you can do:
dotnet run test
And to bless tests (accept current output as correct), do:
dotnet run bless
- Rust-style traits/typeclasses for ad-hoc polymorphism
- Type ascription
- Higher kinded types
- Dependencies are cringe.
- Damn, I've really been getting a lot of use out my crappy parser combinator library lately. Wew lad.
- His palms are sweaty.
- Knees weak.
- Arms spaghetti.