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Monte Carlo and parallel tempering routines built on the pele foundation


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mcpele : Monte Carlo Python Energy Landscape Explorer

Flexible and efficient Monte Carlo general purpose framework and MPI/mpi4py based Replica Exchange Method, built on the pele foundations. mcpele provides a seamless integration of the tools for energy landscape exploration built in pele. The package also acts as a plugin for the Nested Sampling project.

Through its c++ interface, mcpele makes Monte Carlo simulations available to researchers with little programming experience, without having to compromise on efficiency. Furthermore mcpele abstracts each element of a Monte Carlo simulation eliminating the need for frequent code rewriting that experienced Monte Carlo developers typically go through, thus reducing the time required for the implementation of an idea and reducing the occurrence of bugs.

Source code:



Figure 1: Diagramatic representation of the mcpele framework. On the right is a hard spheres fluid equilibrated by uniform sampling in a cubic box with periodic boundary conditions.

mcpele is authored by Stefano Martiniani, Ken J Schrenk and Jacob Stevenson at the University of Cambridge. The project is publicly available under the GNU general public licence.


mcpele is a general purpose framework for Monte Carlo simulations that integrates the c/c++ backend of the pele project through a python interface, including a number of potential energy functions, cell lists for n-dimensional spaces with and without periodic boundary conditions, tools for energy minimization and structure alignment.

Because mcpele is designed for large distributed parallel equilibrium simulations, it provides a MPI/mpi4py implementation of the Replica Exchange Method known as Parallel Tempering.

Furthermore the library can act as a plug-in for the Nested Sampling project, since Monte Carlo walks need to be run at each iteration.

All of mcpele runs in its c++ backend but the Monte Carlo routines are assembled through its Python interface. The basic abstract structure of mcpele is summarised by the diagram in figure 1 (refer to Get started for details). The following methods are already implemented in mcpele:

  • TakeStep:
    • RandomCoordsDisplacement: Uniform random coordinates displacement (single particle and global)
    • GaussianCoordsDisplacement: Gaussian random coordinates displacement (single particle and global)
    • ParticlePairSwap: swap pairs of particles
    • TakeStepPattern: combines multiple moves and executes them deterministically with some frequency
    • TakeStepProbabilities: combines multiple moves and executes them probabilistically with some frequency
  • ConfTest:
    • CheckSphericalContainer: checks that each particle is within some radius from the origin
  • AcceptTest:
    • MetropolisTest: metropolis acceptance criterion
    • EnergyWindowTest: accept if energy is within some window
  • Action:
    • RecordEnergyHistogram: stores entries in a resizable histogram and computes the moments of the distribution on the fly
    • RecordPairDistHistogram: records radial distribution function (accumulates each configuration into the same g(r) histogram)
    • RecordEnergyTimeSeries: records a time series of the energy
    • RecordLowestEValueTimeSeries: records a time series of the lowest eigenvalue from inherent structure
    • RecordDisplacementPerParticleTimeSeries: records mean square displacement for each particle

Get started

Build your first MC runner class


The diagramatic representation in figure 1 summarises the abstract structure of mcpele. In mcpele we call a MCrunner those classes that can perform a Monte Carlo random walk. Each MCrunner derives from the abstract class _baseMCrunner that implements the basic abstract structure needed by every MCrunner, this takes by default a potential, initial coordinates, temperature (or equivalent control parameter) and the target number of iterations. Once the parent class is constructed all we need to do is to add to our new MCrunner class all the other components in the diagram of figure 1 that are missing.

Let us assume that we would like to build a MCrunner to simulate particles with only translational degrees of freedom, such as Lennard-Jones atoms. First we would like to add a TakeStep method to our MCrunner to displace the coordinates of the system at each step, as required. The most simple type of displacement would be a random one, hence we choose the RandomCoordsDisplacement method that can perform both single particle and global moves.

Then we would like our system to be within a spherical container, for instance to stop it from evaporating, and we add a configuration test, CheckSphericalContainer. Note that we distinguish between early and late configuration tests. Tipically configurations tests are cheaper than a potential energy call, hence we would like to run them before the compute energy step; sometimes, however, configuration tests can be more expensive than a potential call, hence we would rather run the test after the accept tests.

The accept tests verify that the energy of the system after each step satisfies certain constraints. In this case we choose the MetropolisTest acceptance criterion. Finally we might want to record somme information during the run to compute some properties of the system. One common choice is to record a energy histogram and its associated moments (mean energy and variance). To do so we construct a RecordEnergyHistogram method.

Finally we need to plug each of the constructed methods into the MCrunner and we do so by adding them. Note that after each iteration the loop reports back to the TakeStep routines to, for instance, adapt the stepsize. Since adaptive steps break the detailed balanance of the random walk we might want to reach some target acceptance within the first adjustf_niter steps and then keep the stepsize fixed and start recording the histogram. Hence we set_report_steps to indicate the number of steps for which the stepsize should be adapted.

In the present example we only used one method for each element of a generic MCrunner, however one can combine multiple ones. AcceptTests, ConfTests and Actions can be added at will, simply adding them to the MCrunner in the desired order of execution (order matters!). TakeSteps can be combined through a TakeStepPattern class in a deterministic or a probabilistic sequence: at each iteration only one type of step is taken and report acts only on that particular step. For instance one might want to combine particles swaps with random translation but would like the swaps to occur only once every 1000 steps. Finally potentials can be combined through the CombinedPotential class.

Run a Monte Carlo random walk


We have built our first MCrunner, so let us try running it. All it takes is loading some initial coordinates, constructing the potential we want to use, in this case the pele::Lennard-Jones potential, and then set parameters such as temperature, number of iterations, initial stepsize and a few more keyword arguments. Then we call the run() function and we get c++ performance from a few lines of a pure Python interface. Finally we might want to show or dump the histogram.


Required packages

for compilation:

  1. c++ compiler (must support c++11, GCC > 4.6 or similar)

python packages:

  1. numpy:
    We use numpy everywhere for doing numerical work.
  2. pele:
    python energy landscape explorer for potential, minimizers etc.
  3. matplotlib:
    For making plots (e.g. histogram, time series, rdf etc.)
  4. mpi4py:
    for replica exchange Monte Carlo

non-python packages:

  1. cmake: optional
    to compile using cmake (much faster)

All the above packages can be installed via the python package manager pip (or easy_install), with the exception of pele. However, some of the packages (numpy, scipy) have additional dependencies and it can be more convenient to use the linux package manager (apt, yum, ...).


mcpele has a suite of unit tests. They can be run using the nose testing framework (which can be installed using pip). The tests are run from the top directory with this command:

nosetests mcpele


Monte Carlo and parallel tempering routines built on the pele foundation



Unknown, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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Contributors 4
