A Node.js library for loading WAV files and drawing a spectrogram to a canvas.
Load WAV file using a input object, read contents as an array buffer and pass to function with a canvas of the desired dimensions:
var wavSpectro = require('wav-spectrogram');
var fileInput = document.getElementById('file-input');
var canvasElem = document.getElementById('spectrogram-canvas');
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function() {
var arrayBuffer = reader.result;
wavSpectro.drawSpectrogram({arrayBuffer: arrayBuffer, canvasElem: canvasElem, cmap: 'jet'}, function () {
The draw function must be handed parameters in an object, named as such. Parameters with default values can be left out.
Option | Default | Description |
arrayBuffer |
- | Array buffer read from WAV file |
canvasElem |
- | Canvas element to draw to (spectrogram will fill dimensions) |
cmap |
- | Colour map to draw using colormap module |
nfft |
512 | Buffer size of Fast Fourier Transform |
frameLengthMs |
0.1 | Length of frames signal is divided into before FFT is applied (given in milliseconds) |
frameStepMs |
0.005 | Size of steps forward each frame takes (if less than frameLengthMs then frames overlap) |
errorHandler |
- | An error handling function which will be called if loading the wav file fails |
As well as the params object, the draw function accepts a callback function.