Looking at generative model as a replacement for bootstrap in Alexandrov's mutation signature pipeline
Change the set up from wide one FC layer to deep layers; done
Change the set up from having the input to be sequence of data (2 dimension) to just data (1 dimension) done
Adding dropout to the network; necessary?
Generative different sets of signatures to see if similairty between signatures give problem for the network and that if bootstrap actually helps;
Investigate the discovered feature/latent space represented by the decoder - does it have the linearity that other space have? if so we can try playing with arthrimatics in feature space - if feature vector of 5 mutations sigs - feature vector of 2 mutation sigs from the 5 = feature vector of 3
denosing effect
Investigate Poisson noise resistance of the input data
this picture explains variantional autoencoder pretty well:
The idea is that, to make an autoencoder a generative process - and not just a decoder recovering from a encoded, existing data, which is what autoencoder does - we try to force the encoded message z to have a certain distribution - gaussian in this implementation - and instead of giving the decoder the encoded message, we can sample from the distribution and feed the generated result to the decoder. After training the decoder should be able to capture the hidden processes that give rise to true data and generate data that's realistic - in the sense that it follows the hidden processes, but also different from input data/not pure memorization but capture of semantic properties.
trying on biological dataset:
existing program running on CLL dataset, genome; comparing against 30 COSMIC mutational signatures, K = 5, list of the highest cos_sim matching for each extracted signature and their corresponding COSMIC signature:
[[0.94206813080597818, 4], [0.87352351453272581, 7], [0.85608103936427404, 16], [0.83670793486890338, 0], [0.92520002216815989, 8]]
eliminating categories: [2, 6, 26, 30, 50, 54, 74, 78] completed in 54.9711399078seconds. the average Frobenius reconstruction error is: 285.602870906 the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is: 216.869202261 the average silhoutte width for each cluster is: [0.92528858222351629, 0.98029434757548839, 0.93919698879810853, 0.91311794141577907, 0.9559143614186858] average silhoutte width for all is: 0.942762444286
verified by running Alexandrov's verision [[0.82643526640751763, 0], [0.85699061686149625, 16], [0.95533379746958702, 8], [0.92132072845980695, 4], [0.88829475099483424, 7]]
running on K = 3 my program: [[0.9221663904759364, 8], [0.86642080588138959, 4], [0.78141173116810625, 15]] Alex's program: [[0.88301672842474621, 4], [0.9308140924199525, 8], [0.81143735789793014, 7]]
K = 3, only exomes: [[0.86615684681403948, 4], [0.92160093360522988, 8], [0.78209752802091781, 15]] eliminating categories: [6, 26, 30, 50, 54, 69, 74, 78] completed in 50.3525850773seconds. the average Frobenius reconstruction error is: 317.900581079 the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is: 247.125600979 the average silhoutte width for each cluster is: [0.99619590010774572, 0.98876095452610013, 0.98765062028567407] average silhoutte width for all is: 0.990869158307
K = 3, using both exomes and genomes [[0.86615684681403948, 4], [0.92160093360522988, 8], [0.78209752802091781, 15]]
on Alex's program: [[0.98446355941428831, 8], [0.85230442708625886, 0], [0.90165568102368965, 4]]
Thoughts on results - training on more and more epochs seem to make the signatures converge better and better - what happens when we try to run on higher/lower order of signatures (presumed K), in Alexandrov's pipeline?
changed the network to deeper layers -
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(784, 300)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(300, 200)
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(200, 100)
self.fc4 = nn.Linear(100, 50)
self.fc51 = nn.Linear(50, 20)
self.fc52 = nn.Linear(50, 20)
self.fc6 = nn.Linear(20, 50)
self.fc7 = nn.Linear(50, 100)
self.fc8 = nn.Linear(100, 200)
self.fc9 = nn.Linear(200, 300)
self.fc10 = nn.Linear(300, 784)
**results after 400 epochs, data size 10000 **
generated data
original data
signatures extracted
ran 10 epochs
eliminating categories:
[2, 4, 8, 13, 17, 23]
completed in 91.2932219505seconds.
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.97317942519728728, 0.95888833995949341, 0.99324184588029374, 0.96146391912447982, 0.90907985501430033]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.914057500834
1 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.400483218069
2 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.648148315138
3 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.745043625485
4 signature has the highest similarity with 4 signatures with 0.75558078918
epoch of 20
eliminating categories:
[2, 8, 13, 17, 23]
completed in 84.2069511414seconds.
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.9681127423503757, 0.83957639540233464, 0.9926201945643951, 0.96932271398756542, 0.95600790510493383]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.966877865327
1 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.573454489115
2 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.675458856412
3 signature has the highest similarity with 4 signatures with 0.954165892304
4 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.620786225848
epoch of 100
eliminating categories:
[2, 8, 13, 17, 23]
completed in 84.2080330849seconds.
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.96033114853392998, 0.99157391376586734, 0.94157361550155116, 0.95633805326259891, 0.96884173678881913]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.971470672793
1 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.706407621673
2 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.763335190934
3 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.979331220478
4 signature has the highest similarity with 3 signatures with 0.884240536684
epoch 200
eliminating categories:
[2, 8, 13, 17, 23]
completed in 86.8884019852seconds.
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.95574083607183036, 0.94643915971959958, 0.93522009006001761, 0.98790781718393805, 0.99322479400027242]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 3 signatures with 0.977145904952
1 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.816591532644
2 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.717726167306
3 signature has the highest similarity with 4 signatures with 0.984693958855
4 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.946413400914
epoch 400
eliminating categories:
[2, 8, 13, 17, 23]
completed in 91.1732280254seconds.
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.95983745591663772, 0.95311246726479981, 0.9952849974127802, 0.98408598591955587, 0.95501282893050576]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 3 signatures with 0.988627238989
1 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.951031220307
2 signature has the highest similarity with 4 signatures with 0.970012829318
3 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.986920186276
4 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.966446345334
Adjusted the VAE structure to use ReLu as the output activation, and discarded normalizing data to (0,1); use MSE instead of BCE as loss function. Results significantly better:
loading trial5
eliminating categories:
[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25]
completed in 76.3571209908seconds.
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.99358637123586324, 0.99986549987679763, 0.97224522168892225, 0.99906020406738838, 0.99177668641782157]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.996495409317
1 signature has the highest similarity with 3 signatures with 0.982332194155
2 signature has the highest similarity with 4 signatures with 0.938770560997
3 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.889885039796
4 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.970037641829
loading trial6
eliminating categories:
[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25]
completed in 77.1132860184seconds.
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.99088208973591541, 0.99986423269803337, 0.99891561071207435, 0.99345008606344309, 0.97417776494092223]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.996563357995
1 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.983287405655
2 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.934483656216
3 signature has the highest similarity with 4 signatures with 0.885670381439
4 signature has the highest similarity with 3 signatures with 0.967717413551
loading trial7
eliminating categories:
[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25]
completed in 77.3325209618seconds.
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.99876252231285578, 0.98912497063350469, 0.9998496604514967, 0.97216836523485928, 0.99281361284712266]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.996403704778
1 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.982918340407
2 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.93260345711
3 signature has the highest similarity with 3 signatures with 0.889215443288
4 signature has the highest similarity with 4 signatures with 0.967950686156
The extracted signatures on generated data are close to the true signatures; however, not absurdly close compare to NMF on bootstrapped original data.
The neural network/decoder-encoder is able to learn about the latent structure of the orginal data, to further validate this, let's look into the original data and generated data
Here is a picture of the input data from subplot 2 - 9, the signatures are plotted on 1:
and here is the picture of the generated data:
We can see that the genereated data is very similar to unit addition amongst the true signatures - they are also obviously not simple resampling/bootstrapping results. Clearly this decoder network 'recognizes' that certain mutation categories do not play a strong role in the mutation signature's shape, and thus didn't generate a lot of those mutations. This is why in the dimension reduction stage of Alexandrov's pipeline, we are seeing 16 of the 28 mutation categories dropped.
**3. interesting observation, bootstrapping actually seems to be making a difference - not sure why, maybe the generated signatures are too close together? - further investigation needed **
here is results without bootstrap used, can see that some of the signatures are not seperated, although the overall cos similairty is still relatively high
loading trial4
eliminating categories:
[ 0 12 7 25 8 2 18 17 3 22 19 15 5 16 10 1]
completed in 94.978374958seconds.
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.99820912368538284, 0.99589283583106181, 0.9666613359499524, 0.93905834339004868, 0.91086467659416137]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.997199036847
1 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.929217521427
2 signature has the highest similarity with 3 signatures with 0.913586148252
3 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.93963581449
4 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.85521383294
loading trial5
eliminating categories:
[ 0 18 22 7 16 2 25 3 12 15 19 8 17 5 10 1]
completed in 94.5966670513seconds.
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.99575377552995503, 0.93759133125873895, 0.99820779076242694, 0.96841685335593208, 0.9163495487733827]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.997020846538
1 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.928453280473
2 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.908710360713
3 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.939580598993
4 signature has the highest similarity with 3 signatures with 0.863728100932
results from running on original data, with the same data size, for reference
eliminating categories:
[0, 2, 3, 8, 12, 18]
completed in 150.119699955seconds.
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.99928324887360109, 0.98220648040693792, 0.99970417960330649, 0.99962217607270742, 0.99942960264402647]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.999366231423
1 signature has the highest similarity with 4 signatures with 0.99867606782
2 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.998940692117
3 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.967777658719
4 signature has the highest similarity with 3 signatures with 0.999391536424
method implemented on less simulated data - 10000 observations, still 5 signatures and 28 categories
some data on training the network: 500 epochs, batch size 64, input size 28 by 28
====> Epoch: 500 Average train set loss: 0.3672
====> Test set loss: 0.5556
didn't implement dropout, may be overfitted - futher investigation needed
loading trial0
eliminating categories:
[2, 4, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, 23]
completed in 67.1249649525seconds.
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.90775136297211934, 0.9994543002705446, 0.98414278073086292, 0.9970044912216558, 0.98195369249509368]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.91110217395
1 signature has the highest similarity with 4 signatures with 0.276743053483
2 signature has the highest similarity with 4 signatures with 0.882629638038
3 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.948479500411
4 signature has the highest similarity with 3 signatures with 0.845860815882
signatures comparison, per usual
Mostly still have good result, consider the sample size is a lot smaller, specifically one of the signature was not found. Can look into the possibility of why.
Even when a signature is not matched, the overall cluster compactness is still not changed - probably means that the decoder uses some other process to generate data, which is found in NMF
Looking into Variantional Autoencoder: following pytorch's example on VAE, replacing the input data from MNIST to simulated data, generated by the metrics of 28 categories and N samples, 5 signatures.
input was set to be 28 by 28, assembling 28 sequences of 28 length into the same size as MNIST
Note 1. MNIST was normalized to 0 and 1 (sigmoid was used as the output activation) - whether normalizing simulated data to 0 and 1 is questionable - in general most values are closer to 0, probably better to use another scheme
Note 2. Whether treating simulated data as sequences is useful is questionable? At the least didn't expect worse output than before but may be wrong
Note 3. Current encoder and decoder uses one wide fc layer before activation, prob better performance on deeper layer
Note 4. Variantional Autoencoder gives a generative model, probably more sane to simply use autoencoder to make sure the general concept works first.
Note 5. try WGAN later
Results so far:
Interestingly engouh, there is some mix result with VAE - here is the log for pipeline running over genereated data:
1st run:
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.75799929550017031, 0.99719044244052579, 0.74098777126736559, 0.72619768940514817, 0.71008715858294302]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.993470673477
1 signature has the highest similarity with 4 signatures with 0.315196501982
2 signature has the highest similarity with 3 signatures with 0.414266812421
3 signature has the highest similarity with 4 signatures with 0.313893276248
4 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.300356473917
the average Frobenius reconstruction error is:
the forbenius reconstruction error for the set of estimated P is:
the average silhoutte width for each cluster is:
[0.53235868874473036, 0.97550448331200457, 0.56557660716190294, 0.62100938952537899, 0.74031928449558515]
average silhoutte width for all is:
0 signature has the highest similarity with 1 signatures with 0.991926408006
1 signature has the highest similarity with 0 signatures with 0.345187328837
2 signature has the highest similarity with 3 signatures with 0.50602063159
3 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.308905319654
4 signature has the highest similarity with 2 signatures with 0.331819927354
The first signature gets recovered exactly, but not the rest, why?