RxJava + Dagger2, very complex RxJava in image processing
Screen Record Link: https://goo.gl/8RBjMM
- A user selects a local image file.
- The app must:
- load that image;
- divide the image into tiles;
- find a representative color for each tile (average);
- fetch a tile from the provided server (see below) for that color;
- composite the results into a photomosaic of the original image;
- The composited photomosaic should be displayed according to the following
- tiles should be rendered a complete row at a time (a user should never see a row with some completed tiles and some incomplete)
- the mosaic should be rendered from the top row to the bottom row.
- The client app should make effective use of parallelism and asynchrony.
The nodejs_server.zip/android-challenge160621/servers directory contains a simple local mosaic tile server. See the README file in that directory for more information.
- Android Studio : 2.2.2+
- JDK 1.8
- Android SDK Level 25
- Android build tool 25.0.1
Building: If build fails please rebuild again. This is due to dagger2 / jack compatibility issue
Unit Tests:
- Please start nodejs server in your local machine before running unit tests
- First time running unit tests may take some time to download robolectric dependency
- You can pinch to zoom image, pan to move it
- Change server via toolbar button
- To run app on real phone, phone and dev machine must be in the same subnet
- Add nodejs server to your development machine's exception list, then change server in app